
2K 126 92

12:00 PM
Seoul, Korea
Eat 진's Donuts

Jungkook is in the kitchen, making donuts as usual since that's his job. He is assigned to be the cashier and sometimes the maker time to time, but he honestly prefers being behind the counter because he does less work than being a cook. He dips the donuts in the deep frier and sets the timer for a few minutes. He leaves the kitchen for the time being. "Hoseok-hyung, I thought you're supposed to work at night today?" he asks the male who's wiping the milky white tables with a small cloth.

The older male flashes his dongsaeng a smile. "Eh, I switched with another worker because I felt like it." Hoseok explains with a shrug.

Jungkook pfft's. "You're so weird, hyung." he remarks.

"I got it from my daddy." Hoseok says, flashing another, bright smile.

Jungkook hears the timer go off, so he quickly heads back to the kitchen to flip the donuts. He scurries to the counter again. This is his routine every day at work. He goes back and forth from the station to the outside.

"So, Jungkook..." Hoseok starts another, random conversation. You mentioned to me that your best friend.... [Name]?- is coming back to town?"

The younger gets surprised by the question. He thought he didn't care since whenever they would talk, Hoseok would just mumble a yes and stuff like that as if he's not interested. "Uhm, yeah. But I don't know when yet."

Hoseok sings in response. "I can't wait to meet her." he giggles, while continuing to work.

Jungkook cocks a curious eye brow. "Actually, you already have."

The other stops what he's doing, head quickly turning to look at Jungkook. "Really? Where?"

"Nah, I'm just kidding. I was testing you."

Hoseok pouts childishly, before throwing the cloth he was using to the other. It shot him right on the face. Hoseok bursts out his monkey laugh from surprise.

Jungkook removes the sticky material off his face and yells at him angrily, "Yah! What was that for?!"

"I threw it so weakly, Jungkook. I didn't know it would hit you right on the face." Hoseok continues cackling, holding his stomach.

"You little shi-"

"What's the commotion right here?" Big Jin suddenly enters the area from his office at the back. He's wearing a suit and his glasses and on his hand are fliers. "It's a good thing there aren't that much customers at this time of the day."

"Are you gonna post those outside again?" Jungkook asks, pointing to the posters on the other's hand.

"Yes, little baby." Jin answers, glancing at him before turning his attention to the male who's still giggling like a maniac. "And you, Jung Hoseok make sure you make those tables squeaky clean before I get back here."

Hoseok stops laughing. "Yee, hyung~" he says, rolling his eyes sheepishly.

"All right, kids. I'll head off now. Take care of this shop for me." Jin opens the store door and rides on his bike like a local delivery man throwing newspaper at houses.

Once he's gone, the so-called kids talk again. "Damn, he's so demanding." Hoseok snarls, eyebrows furrowed.

"It's just Jin-hyung." Jungkooks says.

"Just because he calls you little baby and cute all the time, you're acting so cocky right now."

The younger sticks out his tongue as a tease. "Not my fault you look like a horse."

"Shut up, rabbit-face."

Jungkook lends the cloth back to the older, not before slapping him on the face. Jungkook laughs and runs off to the kitchen, only to see his donuts already burning. "Oh, man holy shit!"

Hoseok could smell the burning scent from the kitchen, a devilish smile forming on his wet face. "Serves you right, Jungcock. That's your 5th time burning those donuts. Jin-hyung's soo gonna scold you."

"Shut up, horse-face."


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