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I know I shouldn't have suggested this, but I did. I walk with light steps as I approach the orange head who's playing with a bunch of kids. Thankfully, he noticed me quickly and stopped what he was doing at the same time.

"Oh, h-hey, [Name]. What's up?"

"Nothing much." I smile. "I just saw you outside and I thought, why don't you come and eat with me?"

"Like on a date?"

I laugh slightly. "Jimin will be eating with us as well. He actually wanted to meet you." I do hope Jimin really meant it when he said that.

Hoseok's head tilts to the side as if looking at me funny. "Jimin? You mean your ex?"

I smile a little. "Yeah, we kinda got back together."

"Oh, really? That's good. I'm happy for you but wow, this is awkward." he says with a chuckle. "I shouldn't really hang out with the person who I confessed to a long time ago and her boyfriend."

"Come on now, Hobi." I whine, holding his sleeve. "He says he really wants to meet you and I know you guys will really like each other."

"Oh, yeah? Why do you think that?"

"Just because I feel it. I mean, you're still my friend and you've kept me company and my shit together when I was feeling down. He somewhat wants to acknowledge you."

"Well isn't he nice."

"So will you come with now?"



"Hi, I'm Jimin." Jimin introduces himself as he reaches out his hand to the person beside me that is Hoseok.

"I know, [Name] told me all about you." Hoseok responds, not shaking hands with Jimin who already had his arm extended out. Instead, he just sits on a chair. "I'm Jung Hoseok."

Jimin glances at me but I just smiled and sat on another vacant chair. I hope this goes well.

"So how did you guys meet?" Jimin asks, starting a conversation and I appreciate him trying. At least he isn't acting like an ass.

"We met through Jungkook. He kinda introduced me to her and vice versa." Hobi responds, only making eye contact with the other male for a second. He looks so off.

"That's something really nice to do for a douche like him." Jimin jokes with a smile, but Hobi took it a bit too seriously that he had to shoot his head up.

"Kookie's anything but a douche."

"Oh, you call him Kookie, too? I used to call him that! He used to be my best friend back in the days." Jimin says, brushing off the pissed look on the other's face with a grin.

"I know. He told me you guys were best friends." Hoseok says through gritted teeth.

I look at him softly and placed my hand on his to try and compose him, when I suddenly felt another hand grab mine. Jimin's to be more specific. He holds it firmly, as if preventing me to touch Hoseok.

"Ah, Hoseokie--"

"Don't call me that. I'm older than you."

Jimin's expression changes completely, but he still keeps on a cheerful smile. I can no longer tell if he's mad or something. "Okay, Hoseok-hyung. My bad."

"It's fine."

"So uhm," Jimin lets go of my hand. "It was nice to finally meet you. Thanks for taking care of [Name] while I wasn't present. I know I've been away for who knows how long, so I really appreciate your efforts for keeping her company. Really grateful, hyung. I owe you a lot."

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