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"I don't wanna gooo~" [Name] whines as she forcefully gets pulled by Namjoon on the wrist. He attempts to pull her off the bed, but to no avail, she wouldn't even budge.

"You promised Jungkook and I that the three of us would go ice skating together." Namjoon says as he continues pulling her.

"I'm not in the mood anymore, Joonie. The two of you could just go." [Name] mutters groggily, covering her face with the pillow that Namjoon used to smack her with earlier because she wouldn't wake up.

"The two of us? Together? What would other people think?"

She mentally rolls her eyes. "Stubborn as always."

"You're the one to talk." Namjoon mumbles and an idea pops into his mind all of a sudden. While the female is off guard, he grabs her by the ankles and drags her down to the floor.

"What the f-"

"Dress up, princess. Jungkook's on his way."


"Did you use concealer under your eyes?" Jungkook speaks up just when the three of them meet each other at the entrance of the hotel [Name]'s staying in.

"How did you know?" the only female asks in surprise. Even Namjoon looks surprised since not even he noticed.

"If you have a friend like Jin-hyung, you would know." Jungkook shrugs, pursing his lips into a firm line.

Song just does a small "ohh", but Namjoon gets intrigued all of a sudden. "Hyung? Does he wear make up?" he questions.

"Sometimes. We keep telling him not to though since he's already really handsome."

"I'd love to meet him someday." Namjoon utters, nodding his head.

"He'd love to meet you too."

"Okay, guys let's go get a taxi now." Song exclaims, walking forward between the two to go find a taxi.

"Wait, you haven't told me why you used the concealer." Jungkook suddenly says, catching up to the female from behind. Namjoon follows closely.

"Is it bad to use one? I mean, I am a girl and girls use make up." Song claims.

"I don't believe you'd use a concealer for a random reason. You rarely wear make up unless there's a special occasion." Jungkook points out, folding his arms. "Tell me what's really going on. You know I hate it when you keep secrets from me."

Song was a bit hesitant to answer, since she's afraid the other might attack her with questions. Well that's what's she's going to get any ways.

"Can I slip in for a sec?" Namjoon abruptly chimes, speaking in English.

"Hyung, you know I can't speak English." Jungkook says, looking like a lost puppy. "But I can tell you asked something. What was it?"

Namjoon waves him off and faces [Name]. "You should really tell him what happened." he tells her, in complete English.

[Name] understands him of course, since she did study that language. A few days after the incident, she asked Namjoon to come to the hotel so they could talk. The male was shocked after seeing her face and felt bad for her after she explained what happened. She couldn't tell Jungkook what happened, since she didn't want to disturb him while he works.

But today is a perfect timing.

"Okay, fine. I'll tell him." Song breathes out, shutting her eyes for a second before opening them again.

"Do it carefully, though. You know how subtle Jungkook gets when he handles this kind of things."

The female just nods in response before diverting her attention to the other male who was just staring the whole time.

"Mind to tell me what you guys were talking about? I mean, just because I got three over one hundred in my English test before, does not give you the right to mock--"

"Yoongi-nim invited me over to have lunch a few days ago." she blurts out rather quickly, making Namjoon mentally facepalm.

"Okay, so?" Jungkook questions, tilting his head to the side.

"And Jimin was there." she mentions, biting the insides of her mouth for a second.


Before she could even respond, Jungkook cuts her off.

"Wait, no. I think I got it."

[Name] gulps hardly. "You do?"

"He made you cry again, didn't he?"

The silence from the female confirmed it.

"I knew it." Jungkook huffs, placing a hand on his forehead before sighing loudly. "What did he tell you?"

"He didn't saying anything bad but... I asked him. I asked him about the two of us, Jimin and I. I asked what happened and well... he didn't respond-"

"That son of a-"

"Jungkook." Namjoon instantly scolds, snapping at him. Even [Name] got startled by his sudden speech. "Let's just drop this and save it for another time, all right? We're going out today to have fun, we shouldn't let some idiot ruin our day."

"But, hyung-"

"He's right, Kookie. Let's just forget about that for now and talk about it some other time. I don't wanna let negative thoughts cloud my mind anymore. I just wanna spend the day peacefully with the two of you." Song says, trying her best to comfort and compose Jungkook with a sweet smile.

No matter how much the boy wants to talk about the incident now, he figured to just compromise, especially if it's going to make his best friend happy. So with that, they all agreed to just go to the rink and be perseverant.


wow. this chapter did not go as i expected.
on a side note, did any one of you apply for the talk talk korea contest? bc i did yesterday. i joined the calligraphy category~~ i suck ass but i gave it a shot any ways.

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