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(a/n: second update in a row whoopx2)


Whilst staying in Jungkook's rather tidy apartment, we began to catch up with each other; telling what we had been doing in the past and stuff. I also told him I met Tae while I was in the plane. He wasn't so happy about it and began sulking, saying he should have been the first one to see me in person and not the other. Nonetheless, he's glad I met his friend. He wouldn't have to introduce me to the latter anymore and vice versa.

And just now, I told him I was going to stay in Yoongi's place. Let's just say he's mad.

"How come you didn't tell me you had nowhere to stay?" Jungkook snaps at me angrily. One second ago, he had a bright smile on his face, but now he's frowning. Sort of grimacing too. "I would have let you stay here with me and Tae."

"I didn't wanna bother you. Besides, the both of you are guys and I'm the only girl." I try to reason out, but he just got more infuriated. I immediately regret doing so.

"What, so you think staying in a stranger's place is gonna make any difference? He's a guy, too for fuck's sake..!" Jungkook half-yell, expressing all his anger out. I wouldn't blame him. I made a pretty sudden decision and I didn't even tell him about it. Smart move, [Name].

"I know... but it's all done now. I already told Yoongi-nim I was going to stay there with him. Don't worry, I'm sure there will be women too and I wouldn't be alone." I say in an attempt to brighten things up, but to no avail-

"Cancel it, [Name]." he says, as if ordering me.

I look at him intently with furrowed eyebrows. "What?"

"Cancel the plan. Don't stay there. Tell him you found another place to stay in and that's your best friend's house." he responds, tone a bit lower now than earlier.

"Kookie, I can't just do that-"

"It's either you tell him or I will."

My mouth opens in ajar, not believing he's acting like this now. "Look, I get you're being protective of me but I can make my own decisions too. I already promised Yoongi-nim I was gonna stay there, and he probably settled my room and whatever now. As much as I'd love to stay with you in this place, I can't. Not anymore at least."

He just stares at me.

"I know I made a pretty dumb choice, but what's done is done. I'm gonna live there by myself and learn to be independent. Besides, I'm leaving to Europe in a matter of time and I will stay with a stranger again. I should get used to it starting today so I'll be prepared."

It took a moment before Jungkook could react. He sighs and rubs his temples. He's probably processing things in his mind right now. "You're right." he says. "You're... a woman now. I shouldn't be too protective over you because you're technically all grown and you can make your own decisions. I guess I just sorta missed being there for you because it's been years since I last did so."

I was awestruck by his last statement and found my lips lifting up into a smile. I bring my hand up and squeezed his cheek hardly, leaving a red print on his delicate skin. "You're too sweet, Kookie. Don't worry, I missed your caring for me too. I won't stop you from doing so, but this time, just let me do what I want." I tell him as comforting as possible.

Out of nowhere, he pulls me with his strong arms and I crash into his chest with a small thud. Now I can tell he's been working out. The action was a bit too sudden, but I took it lightly. I then realized he was hugging me, so I happily hug him back.

"Will you at least spend the night with me today? I really missed you, [Name]. It would make my life so happy if you were to stay even for just a while." he tells, the words sending right through my ear and up to my heart. "Then, you can go."

I giggle slightly, squeezing his built body as tightly as I could because he sounded so innocent and fragile and just- cute. "I'd love that."


"And so I told the guy in black, "Yah! Who do you think you are to be picking on someone smaller?"" Taehyung story tells as he uses his face to express while doing so.

It's currently 9 pm. Me and Jungkook went to my dad's house earlier and we stayed there for hours, my family was just so happy that I'm finally back. Seoyun almost burst into tears and I was, too. Dad told me so many stuff about his life with Seoyun. And just... it was such a beautiful family reunion.

I'm in Jungkook and Taehyung's apartment now. I changed into my sleepwear when we got back. Currently, the three of us are on the floor, Tae telling us how he saved a girl's life from a guy while he went off duty. Figuring stuff about him and his behavior, I found out that he's actually really talkative and just weird- in a good way. He's also very attractive and hot. No wonder he got his job as a flight attendant.

"So? What happened next?" Jungkook asks, urging the red head to continue his story.

"The guy left." Tae answers.

"What happened between you and the girl you "saved"?" I ask as well.

"She hugged me and I felt butterflies."

Jungkook chokes on his drink. "Don't tell me you fell in love."

"I did."

I look at him with wide eyes. "Well then-" I couldn't help but laugh at how awkward the atmosphere became.

"It was love at first sight, guys! Come on~" he whines as he does the most adorable pout I have ever seen in my entire life. Cuter than when Kookie does it.

"If this is your way of forgetting your past, lesbo girl friend then okay. I support you." Jungkook says, regaining his composure.

Heat rises up the other male's face as he slaps Jungkook's thigh hard. "You didn't have to say it out loud towards [Name]..!" he whisper shouts as I just awkwardly stare at the both of them.

"Oh, she already knows." Jungkook says nonchalantly and Tae seemed more embarrassed and humiliated.

"You told her?!"

"I told her."

"Since.. since when?!"

"Since we were still in college."

They continue bickering at each other, seeming to forget that I'm still with them. But I didn't mind since they looked so cute, fighting with each other over something that has happened way back in the past.

And I just can't help but wonder, is this how Jungkook and Jimin's friendship was like before I came in the picture?


taekook sort of filler lolz forgive me.

so wattpad decided to change drug's category from romance to fanfiction and i honestly don't know if i should be mad or not. they did this to my other story, too. they'll prolly change THIS story's category as well. but you know what, i don't even care anymore. annoying pricks will always be annoying.

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