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"We have our famous model, Z.P with us today!" a man named Yoo Jaesuk announces to the crowd of fan girls sitting in front of the stage he and him are on.


"How do you feel being here today, Mr. Z.P?"

"I feel exhilarated, hyung. I'm amazed by the amount of people here."

His voice tugged [Name]'s heart forcefully. There goes her emotions again. She pauses the video for a moment so she could breathe. She misses him too much, even his lovely voice.

"Well, they all came to see you! Are you happy?"

"Wow, jinjja? I'm happy of course!"

"Hahaha. Well, let's just start with the interview. We'll begin by asking you certain questions given by fans from all over the globe. Are you nervous?"

"Is that the first question? Am I nervous?"

The entire crowd bursts out laughing by his joke. It even made [Name] smile. He's still as corny as ever.

"Not only is your face great, but your sense of humor, too! A round of applause for our Z.P please." The people around clap automatically. "Great~ now let's move on. Mr. Z.P, do you mind telling us how you started modeling? And who infired you to do it?"

"It all started last year. I originally thought of being an accountant, since I'm good in math, but my parents kept on persuading me to aim something higher. I ended up being a model then. No one really infired me, but I saw pictures of my great grandpa and found out that he was a model himself, but he didn't make it big. I then set my goal on being a model and be well-known, because I figured it would make him happy."

Song finds herself smiling after his speech, simply awe-struck. She never knew his grandpa used to be a model. Is the entire Park residence attractive?

"That was so heart-warming, Z.P. Now we know why you're such a successful person. You want your family to be happy for you. Well, we're glad you feel that way. Another round of applause for our amazing model!"

The crowd erupts into a happy cry, their hearts being taken by the story he has just shared.

"We shall proceed to the next question: when you first started modeling, what did it feel like?"

"Well, I was nervous, that's one thing. I didn't trust my looks at all, since I thought I lacked a lot. Especially my height. Hahaha. I thought I wouldn't reach the standards of modeling, but I somehow passed in the judges' eyes. That's the most terrifying part when you attempt to be a model. I'm glad I have came through a lot to lead me to how I am right now."

Everyone claps their hands after and he bows to them as a response, shooting his eye-smile which caused [Name] to stop breathing for a moment. I miss his smile so much.

"Believe me or not, but your eye-smile can cure cancer, Z.P."

"Ah, you're too much~"

His face turns bright red from the M.C's remark. He's so cute when he's flustered.

"Haha. Any ways, let's move on to the juiciest question of all. Ever since you started modeling, you've been paired up with female models, right? Is anyone of them the apple of your eye?"

What? Song stares at the screen with wide eyes. Even the crowd becomes rowdy, jealousy showing.


smol update since there is part 2 for this.

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