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"I heard there's a really cool event happening in Europe tomorrow, [Name]. Wanna come with?"

In the end, you decided to live in Jungkook and Taehyung's place for now. You don't plan on buying a flat, since your stay in Korea won't be that long.

"I have work in a while, Kookie. I have no time for relaxation. Besides, I've had enough rest already." you say, packing out your clothes from the bags. Taehyung helps you on the other hand while Jungkook is sitting on the computer chair.

"Isn't your job journalism or something? Why don't you go there for now to like get inspired?"

You shake your head no. "I'm fine here."

"Jungkookie has always said you were a boring person, [Name]-ah. Seems he proved it right." Taehyung says, smiling sheepishly. You smack his face with your bra to which he gets hit with successfully.

"Just let me be, guys. I wanna earn money."


"................................. Besides having very entrancing surroundings, the Grand Park in Korea is also well known for being very tidy. People never make waste because they believe that the park will be a great thing for history. They want to make the park printed in the past for many of the next generations to experience."

You file your report directly to your manager in New Zealand. Of course the words are in English and not in Hangeul, because it will be published in New Zealand, not Korea itself.

You've started working again and it's been a week now. Your leg has also gotten better than before, you can now walk freely. You're also fixing your life, back to the independent [Name] you've always been. Back to being hardworking, with or without anyone.

Jungkook got promoted in his job, on the other hand. He can now come with Manager Jin to places to post fliers and such. Guess that isn't really a promotion, but oh well.

Tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, you stand up to fix the desk you worked on in the temporary office you own. Afterwards, you compile all the drafts you've written and put them on a corner of the cabinet.

Just when you were about to leave the room, you receive a message from an unknown number:

********: hey!

It creeped you out a little, but you decided to text back.

[name]: who is this?

********: hobiiiii

[name]: hobi? who?

********: ): hobi's sad [name] doesn't remember him.

[name]: i'm sorry, but is this a prank from a kid?

********: what?! no!

You scoff, ignoring the last message. You don't want anyone messing your night right now, especially since Jungkook asked you out to have dinner with him and Taehyung. He mentioned something about bringing another friend over, but you can't remember his name clearly.


"I can't believe you forgot about me, [Name]!" Hoseok, who turns out to be the random messenger, whines so loudly in the restaurant. The noise made a few heads to turn to him and to you all.

Jungkook shushes him down quickly, now realizing it was a mistake to bring him with. But the older insisted on joining after finding out you were coming as well. So being the kind maknae he is, he allowed the other to go.

You bow down in apology, cheeks a tint of red. "I-I'm sorry, Hobi. A lot happened lately and just- I don't know. My mind hasn't been in the greatest condition. I'm sorry again."

Hoseok pouts, folding his arms grumpily. You can't tell if he's doing aegyo or what, but you'll just assume he is. "Make it up for me then. Make this the best dinner I'll ever experience."

You smile a little, nodding. "Okay. I'll start off by saying I'll pay for your meal."

The boy's eyes widen slightly from your offer. "No, that's not what I meant-"

"I insist~" you sing, taking your fork and spon to start eating.

Hoseok groans, slightly embarrassed that he's letting a girl pay for his food. Shouldn't it be the other way around? "Whatever."

"Since you're paying for hyung's dinner, will you pay for us as well?" Taehyung chimes, a happy smile plastered on his well-proportioned face.

"No, the hell. Do you think I'm some kind of bank account to you?"

Taehyung sulks in his chair, eating his chicken sadly. Jungkook just laughs and so does you and Hoseok.

"I'm not paying for your dinner, too, Jeon."

"Damn it."


While the dinner goes on, Taehyung ended up getting sick. He ate too much dessert and his tummy couldn't handle it. He immediately went back home with Jungkook using a cab since weirdly, the restaurant did not have a comfort room. So you're now left alone with Hoseok.

"You look really pretty tonight, [Name]." the male starts off the conversation with a simple but sweet compliment.

You smile slightly, awed. "I didn't even wear any make up tonight. Not because I don't want to, but I can't."

He nods, flashing back a bright, sunny smile. "That's the point. You're too pretty, you don't need any make up."

His continued remarks made you feel tingly and shy inside. Your cheeks burn up, munching on your salad nervously. "Even while I eat like this?" you question.

He raises an eyebrow and laughs. "Of course. Anything you do is cute."

"But didn't you just say I'm pretty?" you ask again, playing along.

"You're not pretty." he deadpans, making you slightly frown. "You're beautiful."

It took you awhile to process what he's just said. You had no idea Hoseok was this smooth and well- flirtatious. Was he even trying to flirt with you? Probably not. He's probably just being nice. After all, good impressions are a must in a friendship.

While you're in your train of thoughts, he speaks again.

"I have a question, [Name]. I hope you don't mind me asking it."

You blink curiously, tilting your head to the side. "Sure, ask away, Hobi."

"Will you go out with me?"


i BET YOU DIDN'T EXPECT THAT HEH. i didn't expect it either. i was literally just writing down shit and it lead to this lol. i hope i didn't make the wrong choice. :#

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