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"Hello, who is this?" [Name] picks up a call from an unknown, random number. She hasn't had those in a while, so she's kinda scared 

"Greetings, Ms. Song. This is Yoongi." a man with a rather raspy voice speaks as a response. She can't tell, but he's smiling right now.

"Oh- Yoongi-nim!" [Name] immediately perks up and politeness pours her body. Her face is in a shade of pink at the moment, thinking about how attractive his voice sounded like. "I didn't expect you to call so soon. In fact, I didn't expect you to call me at all."

Yoongi chuckles and it was honestly the hottest thing she's ever heard in a while. Wait, what is she thinking? "Well, I did say I was going to discuss to you about the details of your trip and other stuff through voice call."

"Ah, that's right." she utters. Her voice sounded really gentle in the male's ears, on the other hand. "Sorry for forgetting, I'm just very overwhelmed right now. Getting to talk with a famous journalist all alone."

"And I apologize if I seem creepy. I'm usually like this at first because I really just want the people I meet to feel comfortable around me. But I guess I'm making it turn the other way around."

"Oh, not at all!" Song immediately says. "I think you're fine."

"Well, I am one fine man."


"It's nothing." Yoongi covers up. "Any ways, let's just discuss. I'm sure you have other things to do today."


Seoul, Korea

"Ah, for real? She's not gonna stay here anymore?" Taehyung says questionably, referring to [Name]. The female has told Jungkook all about the sudden offer given to her by Yoongi. Jungkook was shocked, of course. But more sad.

"Yeah. I mean- I'm proud of her, but it's just kinda... you know, depressing. I was looking forward to seeing my best friend after 2 years and then that expectation just snapped like magic." Jungkook responds, a hint of sadness showing in his voice. He slouches on the bed border and sighs.

Taehyung eyes him for a moment before speaking, "Do you want her to go somewhere else? Are you really happy about her change of decision?"

"I don't care wherever she goes as long as she's safe and yes, I'm happy for her." the younger answers almost instantly, but that gave no satisfaction to the other.

"Your face tells otherwise." he says. "Just tell her you're not comfortable with it. That you don't fully support what she wants."

"I'm her best friend, hyung. I have to support her at all cost."

"Not if you're feeling gloomy about it. Come on, just tell her." Tae insists, nudging Jungkook's foot lightly with his fist. "Her family needs her too."

Jungkook drags his foot to himself so Tae wouldn't be able to touch it, before huffing. "Well, what if Mr. Song is supportive of her plan? I have no rights to hold her back."

"Then what about Jimin?" Taehyung suddenly mentions, causing Jungkook to pause his own breathing unintentionally. "What will happen if she leaves without even being able to see him at least once? Didn't you say you know where he is, now? He's a model, right? I mean, it would be great if he turns out to be the model [Name] is going with though. But you never know, it would be a waste if-"

Jungkook throws a pillow at his face before he could even continue. "Shut your ass, hyung. I know he's a model, but [Name] doesn't. At least that's what I think." He hopes she really doesn't though.

"Well, what if she does? I mean, you told me you showed her a link of him being interviewed. She probably researched a ton of shit about him since you know, she still has strong feelings for the ass." Tae points out smartly, and it's very rare for the guy to act this logical since he's mostly in another planet.

"If she does, then... then she does." Jungkook utters, out of words.

"That literally made no sense." Taehyung says, giving him a dumb-founded look.

"As if yours did."

"Of course it did, Jungkookie. You're just too dumb to realize it."

Jungkook rolls his eyes, giving up since he's not in the mood to argue any further. Especially since Taehyung is the most argumentative person he knows. "Fine~ whatever."

"So are you gonna tell her to not leave?"


"Why nooooot?"

"Because she's an adult now and she can do whatever she wants."

And because I'm taking chances for her to have a better opportunity to meet Jimin.

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