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Soon enough, we finally arrive at my destination. But the thing is, it's not a coffee shop. I don't get out of the car and instead just sat still on my seat before opening my mouth to speak, "Uhm, ahjussi this isn't the coffee shop."

The man in front shakes his head and chuckles briefly. "You haven't been around here, have you? This place does not only sell coffee, but also desserts"

My eyes blink, face heating up from embarrassment. God, [Name]. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry. I recently just landed off the plane from New Zealand." I tell him to clear up things. He might think I'm not from here, yikes.

"That explains it." he simply says.

I just nod and paid for the ride before he helps me take my stuff from the trunk of the car. Afterwards, he drives off. I look up at the name of the shop and it says "Eat 진's Donut". You'll think I'm dirty of I told you I thought of something perverted.

Nevertheless, I enter the place with my luggages.

"Good morning, ma'am!" a cheery male with brown hair greets me once I came inside. He notices my luggages right away, his eyes widening. "Oh, let me help you with those."

"No, it's okay." I confirm him with a small smile. He nods and then leads me to a table. I sit down on the chair and looked at the menu.

"I go by the name Hoseok, by the way." the male introduces himself as he points to his name plate on his shirt. I didn't notice that earlier since I was focused on his pearly white teeth. "But you can call me Hobi. Please just call me if you're ready to order."

"All right, Hobi." I tell, pronuncing his name accordingly. He then leaves me alone and goes to the kitchen, it seems. I take the menu, looking through every food as possible- wait, I'm here for coffee. Once I finally chose a drink, I call for Hoseok. But there was no answer.

"Hobi!" I repeat, looking like a weirdo since I'm the only customer inside. I start to grow eery and stood up from my spot, walking towards the counter to ring the small bell on the side. Suddenly, the door opens from behind.

"I still don't know why you decided to drag me out with you, Jin-hyung." a familiar voice whines, making me turn around to face whoever spoke. I was surprised to see the person who I've wanted to see for such a long time now. "[Name]?!"

I waste no time to run up to him and give him a gigantic hug. We almost fell even. But I don't care since I've been dying to do that. "I missed you so much, Kookie!"

Jungkook's the first one to pull away, giving me an opportunity to scan his face and body. Damn, he's grown. He looks like a man now. Although he still posseses that "baby" kind of look, his face looks more defined now. His body also- what even? What happened to the small Jungkook I knew?

"You know, I get that I'm hot as hell now, but if you stare for so long, I might melt." Jungkook says, snapping me out of my daze. "Besides, I'm not the only one who's changed. Look at yourself! You....... your chest grew."

I slap his arm. Okay, maybe he hasn't changed that much. I look behind him and saw a blonde male with glasses. I bow to him. "You must be cute Jungkookie's best friend, [Name]." the male, whom I assume is "Jin", says with a grin.

Jungkook's right. He is handsome as heck. I wonder why there are still no customers though.

"Nice to meet you. Jungkook told me about you." I tell Jin.

"Likewise." Jin responds, nodding his head. "Jungkookie, why don't you take the day off? Your best friend just arrived, it would be nice if you could spend the day with her."

I was a bit taken aback by the man's next words. Even Jungkook is; judging by the look on his face. Before me or Jungkook could even protest, Jin simply pats our head and left us alone. I look at Jungkook, but he just shrugs.

"Oh and you can leave your stuff here, [Name]. We'll keep it in the storage room until you decide to come back." Jin chimes again. I ask Jungkook, but he just gives me a reassuring look, saying that I can trust Jin.

"A-All right. Thanks for letting Jungkook off, Jin." I awkwardly say as the two of us leave the shop in silence. Then, I speak again. "Wow, your boss is so cool, Kookie."

Jungkook's lips tilt down, shrugging again. "I don't know. It was a bit weird of him to do that."

"Maybe he likes you." I wonder.

"He does." Jungkook just laughs and as I stare at him, he still possesses that bunny smile he used to have. I miss everything about him. "Then shall we go?"

"But you're still in your uniform." I point out, tugging his sleeve to emphasize.

"I'll just change at home. Come, I'll let you see the new apartment I live in."

I ended up getting my stuff from Jin before we headed off to Kookie's apartment, since I figured it would be safer if I put it in my best friend's house instead of a shop. It's not that I don't trust Jin, but I just feel more comfortable with Jungkook.


was this update better? i mean, jungkook and song finally reunited so c: soz if it's still not. i suck jicock

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