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"[Name]-ahhhh~" Jungkook coos as he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you up. You're to be admitted out from the hospital already, but at this moment you just wanna lie down with a fractured leg and sleep forever. "Get uppp~"

"I don't want to." you muffle from the covers under. Jungkook and Namjoon had been insisting you to leave already for half an hour already. "Just leave me alone."

"I heard about yesterday." Jungkook confronts, stopping himself from pulling you now.

"Let me guess, that fluffy fucker told you." you assume, feeling your eyes roll from annoyance just by the thought of the said person.

Jungkook quirks an eyebrow. "If you mean Jimin, then yeah. Well, actually I bumped into him while I was grocery shopping for icings. He wasn't in a good mood than he normally is."

"Then he story-told everything."

"Yeah. I'm sorry about the news."

You slightly peak from the blanket to look at Namjoon. "And how did you know?"

"Jungkook told me."


Slowly, you finally slip off from the covers and showed your haggard-looking face. Your hair is sticking out almost everywhere and your eyes are puffy from crying. Your lips have also become dry somehow.

"You look great." Jungkook says, sarcasm evident in his voice.

You gently get off the bed with the help of the two boys as they place you on the wheelchare. Carefully, they make your way out of the confined room. It's been exactly three weeks since you've last seen the outside world, you miss it even.

Jungkook pushes you slowly as Namjoon makes the payments using the money your dad left for you as he goes to work. Afterwards, you finally leave the building.

"The doctor said you can walk comfortably starting the next day. Do you like have work by tomorrow or something?" Namjoon asks as he supports you to get on the van while Jungkook puts the wheel chair at the back.

"I don't even know if I could still work here, Joonie. I mean Yoongi's offer for me was off a long time ago and I don't think he'll let me do it again." You heave out a sad sigh, wishing the incident had never happened. But it made you reflect on many things.

Namjoon gets on the driver's seat afterwards as Jungkook sits beside you. "Maybe you should try asking him about it and see if he could take you back."

You shrug. "Even if he does, I'll be seeing that jerk again and honestly, I don't wanna anymore. The mere sight of him makes me sick." you say bitterly. It honestly shocked both guys since they've never heard you speak like that.


Jimin has been a wreck since then. It's been almost a week already and not once has he spoken to you. He would go to Eat Jin's Donuts and ask Jungkook about you, but the latter would tell him to leave or mind his own business.

He knows he fucked up, that's for sure.

All he does his mess things up for the both of you and he just doesn't know what to do anymore. Why is he such a wreck?

He just wishes peace. He wants to settle things down. But how can he when he doesn't even know where to start? Little does he know, he should start by himself. He should get the straight the fuck up and fix hinself and his life.

That way, he can move on to fixing the next thing; and that is you.

But being clouded by endless thoughts, he can't think of possible solutions to do it.

Grabbing his phone, he dials his hyung's number. He hopes the older doesn't hate him anymore. Luckily, he picks up.

"Look who decided to call."

Jimin breathes out. "Yoongi-hyung, I'm sorry." he apologizes first hand.

"I'm sure you are."

"It was a pretty dumb mistake of mine to choose [Name] over the project."

"Wait, where are you getting at?"

"Never mind that shit." he shakes his head, despite knowing the other wouldn't see it. "Is there a possibility that I could still come over and do the project? I don't mind being with another journalist. I just wanna leave this place for now."

"I'm sorry, Jiminie; but no can do. I already hired another model to do it, so-"

"Please, hyung? At least give me another thing to do. I really wanna get out of this place. I can't..."

Hearing his dongsaeng's desperate and sad voice indicated Yoongi to just give in. The two still are pretty close to each other. He's sure Jimin has gone through a lot already, the least he could do is help him.

So with a sigh of defeat, he brings the phone back to his ear and speaks, "All right. I'll schedule your next flight two days from now."

Jimin smiles gratefully. "Thank you, hyung."


why does jimin keep running away? it's legit 3:26 am rn otoh, but i wanted to update for you guys so. (:

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