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9:35 PM

"Jimin, stop. You're drunk." Hwayeon almost moans out, inching herself away from the elfin male-- Jimin trying to get his hands on her. "I said stop." she says, pushing him off.

Jimin, being way too lit, insists on touching her. But once she slaps him off, he then attacks her neck with his lips. The female lets out a loud moan by accident and it signaled him to go even further.

"T-This is wrong--"

Jimin removes his lips off her glossy neck to look at her sexually-frustrated face. He stares at her in the eyes too deeply. "Does it look like I care? No, baby girl."

Hwayeon gulps at the nickname. Has Jimin gone insane? Probably. "You're ruining your career, Jimin. This will ruin your image, Yoongi-nim's trust in you, everything. Do you really want that?"

"Everything has already been ruined." Jimin muses darkly, eyelids alluringly low. "Right from the beginning, it always has been." He then gets off her and sits futher from her.

"No, it's not-"

"You don't know anything." he cuts her off instantly with a glare. His sexual tensions have gone down luckily. It's funny how deprivation of love destructed him. He can't even think straight most of he time and he fucks up whenever he is asked to do something. How funny, really.

He's a model, for pete's sake. If he does anything hectic and risky, he'll be in big trouble and might receive a lot of criticism. That's just how showbiz works. Remind why he decided to apply for that kind of job again?

Hwayeon, after realizing she can't really say anything to fully comfort the conflicted male, stands up and sighs. "Look, if you're going through really pain in the ass problems, better go find a solution to solve them. No one's going to answer them for you. Before anyone else helps you, help yourself first."

Jimin doesn't say anything however as he just stares at the blank wall.

Hwayeon felt as helpless as he is to himself. "I'm gonna go head out and finish the remaining paper works, Jimin. You can stay here and rest."

With a lazy nod, Jimin stands up and goes to the bathroom, leaving the female. He shuts the door close and locks it. He then walks over to look at the mirror, examining himself. Dark circles under his eyes that his make up artists just cover up, face looking dull as ever, slight wrinkles forming on his forehead due to overstress and what. He needs to get his shit together, but he doesn't know where to start.


Seoul, Korea

"Hoseok-ah, what're you doing?" you whine, squirming slightly as Hobi tries to continue massaging your feet.

"You said they hurt, so I'm healing them." he chirps cutely with his signature smile.

"I don't get why girls wear heels if they're just going to tire them out." Taehyung says from the kitchen as he prepares some sandwiches for you, him, Hoseok, and Jungkook to munch on. All of you are in the apartment you're living in with the two youngest.

"Because they make us look pretty." you bicker back with an eye roll. "You guys won't-- aH!" you scream when Hoseok accidentally presses on the wrong corner of your foot.

"Sorry!" he exclaims, but goes on any ways, making you huff.

"Orrrr you just want to look extra." Jungkook comments in, eyes glued to the T.V in front.

"I've always been extra, shut up."

"Nah, you look ugly as an ass."

"But asses look good though, regardless of the size."

"Shut up, Hoseok-hyung. Your ass doesn't."


"Hey, Hobi's ass looks great!"

"Have you seen them, [Name]?"

"Of course-- no!"

"You little hoe." Jungkook tsks with a small smirk, making you flare up and throw a pillow at him. But of course you miss. "Don't me."

You send him a glare, licking your bottom lip that has became chapped and dry already. "You know, instead of moping around in a café or some shit, why don't you get a real job instead? Maybe you'll learn a thing or two." Of course you didn't mean that in harm. You just meant it in a humorous way.

"So you're saying serving people donuts and coffee isn't good enough?"

"Basically, yeah." You shrug.

"Then what should I do then?" Jungkook raises a questionable eye brow, which made you look at him funny. "Maybe start modeling like Jimin? Is that what you meant by getting a real job?"

You feel a small pang of hurt in your chest all of a sudden upon the mention of the certain person's name, but you choose to ignore it and played along. "I don't know, maybe?" You shrug again, your stance a little bit uncomfortable now. "I mean... I'm sure he earns a lot more money as a model."

Hoseok notices your change of attitude and being the sweet person he is, he stands up and speaks, "Would you like to go on a walk with me, [Name]?"

"But you just massaged my feet, won't I get cramps?"

Hoseok smiles, waving his hand. "Nah, they'll be fine. Come on."

"Okay, but you'll piggy back me back home if I do get it." you warn, pointing him a finger.

"Can I join?" Jungkook suddenly asks, about to jolt up from his seat but he gets pulled back down by his hyung.

"No, you stay here, child."

"I'm taller than you, hyung."

"Don't care."

"Let's just go, Hobi-yah." you whine slightly, pulling him by the arm so you could just get going before your mood gets killed.


this chapter made no sense like the entire book yikes.

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