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Lunch's going by painfully slow. Song is dying because of how slow the time is. She wants to pull and rip her hair out even. But it's a good thing Jimin sat at the opposite side of where she's sitting. She's lowkey cheering.

"Can you pass me the rice, [Name]?" Jimin suddenly requests as he points to the plate of rice next to the female's plate.

The said person grabs it and reaches it forward for the other to receive.

"Can you pass me the water as well?"

She passes him the water.

"Give me a tissue please."

She lends him not only one, but three pieces of tissue.

"Buns, please give me the buns."

"Why don't we just exchange seats so you don't have to ask me to pass anymore?" she finally snaps, revealing her annoyance to the male.

Jimin blinks twice. "Oh, was I asking too much? Sorry."

Yoongi clears his throat and looks at Jimin first then [Name]. "Are you okay, [Name]? You seem pretty edgy today."

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Song responds, looking down at her already-finished plate. "I'm... going to the washroom. Excuse me." She stands up and proceeds to the said place.

She swings the comfort room's door open with her strong hand, as she sprints her way inside. She goes directly in front of the mirror and looks at her slightly sweaty face. She's completely nervous and just... conflicted.

"Park fucking Jimin." she curses, heaving out a deep breath she's kept for a while since she was still in the table. "You... why.... I..." She has a lot of things running inside her already problematic mind, but she can't express them into words. Not when she's acting like a huge coward.

But annoyance's getting to her the most. Seeing Jimin makes her wanna punch his face... with her lips. Is that too much to ask for?

She groans in frustration, her temples. "I don't... like you anymore." she says softly, even though she knows half of it is a lie. She cannot just unlike him. Not Park Jimin.

But she wants to.

When she finally gets her shit together, she goes to walk her way out of the area, only to meet the person she talked about to herself just now.

"Took you long enough." Jimin speaks so casually, it made her cringe internally. Is this really the Jimin she knew?

"I had... some business to do." Song responds nonchalantly as she tries to avert her eyes. Jimin quickly takes note of this.

"Where are you looking? I'm here." he laughs.

That precious laugh that's music to her ears.

"Nothing. I just find the floorings interesting." she reasons out stupidly, earning another laugh from the other. She just wants to get out of this situation right now, but something's holding her back.

"You're truly weird, just like old times." Jimin suddenly remarks, catching her off guard.

Did he really just say that?

"How can you just say something like that so... so casually? As if nothing ever happened?" she exclaims, at the bridge of losing her shit again. Maybe she is a bit edgy today, but what he said really made her infuriated.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asks, his eye brows furrowed. She wants to fucking rip his precious face off.

"Jimin," [Name] breathes out as calmly as possible, even though smoke is probably coming out of her head right now. "what the fuck happened to us?"

It took a fucking decade for the male to respond and the silence was killing [Name] greatly. Why couldn't he just give her a concrete, straight answer?

"Are you gonna talk or what?" she questions, voice slightly increasing again. How embarrassing to talk about this in such a public place.


"Jimin, answer me. Are you mute?"

Silence yet again.

"Talk!" she shouts angrily, catching a few people's attention. She paid no mind to this, but Jimin did since they know him (they're in a private restaurant).

Jimin's mouth is still sealed however and it just broke her.

"I get it." she barely chokes out, as tears threaten to leave her eyes. "You're gonna do it all over again, aren't you? Just like back in college when you broke up with me for no reason. You're gonna leave me hanging again, just like always."

That's when Jimin finally decides to speak up.

"I broke up with you for a reason-"

"That doesn't even matter anymore!" she shouts painfully, more tears forming until they finally drop one by one. "Why do I even try..." she heaves out a sigh in defeat. "... when I know it will all just turn into nothing but emptiness."

She walks out then, before pushing him aside while on the way.

Jimin could only stare blankly at the spot she stood at only a second ago. But then Yoongi appears out of nowhere, holding a plastic for their left overs

"What did you do?"


i'm so pathetic. i literally cried while writing this.

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