Chapter Two

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        The cool crisp autumn air hit me as soon as I stepped out of the warmth of Elis car. Although I was dressed for the weather, snug in brown boots, thick leggings that lay underneath a knit sweater dress and a warm jacket over it, the weather still managed to get to me.

         My curls blew in the air and I cursed myself for not pulling them back this morning.

       Teenagers mingled all around me, some sitting on the picnic tables and others lying on the grass. I appraised them for their ability to brave the weather.

           “So,” Eli said turning to me “I can show you to the office if you want.”

            He didn’t really ask it as a question but it wouldn’t hurt trying “I think I can find it on my own. It can’t-“

            He cut me off by grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the school.

           “Eli.” I called but he ignored my pleas.

           We continued walking and I felt some eyes on me but most would just glance before looking away. I expected this sort of thing considering this school wasn’t too big it was probably big news when someone new came. Eli held open the doors to the school for me as we made our way inside.

          There were more people inside, hanging out around the lockers, talking before class started. Eli tugged on my arm, turning us left towards the main office. We stopped in front of it and Eli turned to me.

            “Do you want me to go in?”

           “Oh, so now my opinion matters.” I grumbled under my breath.

          Apparently he heard me though because he chuckled.

           “I got it covered, Eli.”

           He sighed but nodded and I opened the door to the office, stepping in. I walked to the counter smiling at the receptionist there.

           “Hi, I’m Anna Foster and I’m new here. They told me to pop by the office on the first day.”

          “Oh, yes of course. Here, let me just find those papers for ya, sweetie.” She told me.

             I waited as she bustled her way around the office. “Here it is!” She exclaimed.

           She handed me a few papers one with what I assumed to be my schedule and another with the rules of the school on it. “Oh and here’s a flyer for the Winter Festival. It’s coming up next month, December 1st to be exact. All the kids are excited for it. You should defiantly go, it might be fun.”

          I mumbled a thank you while taking the flyer in my hand along with the other sheets. I turned, trying to get from the office when I banged into something.

         I looked up realising it was a guy, and one hell of a guy it was. His chest was well defined and I guessed that was why I didn’t realize it was a guy. His muscles stood out in his white t-shirt and I slowly moved my eyes from his chest to his face.

       His face was chiselled to perfection, his high cheekbones stood out proudly and he had long black eyelashes framed around his eyes. His hair was jet black and curled just around his eyes. When I looked up to met his eyes it felt as if the world was disappearing from around me. I was stuck staring into his deep blue orbs.

        Another thing about those eyes was that I knew them. They were the eyes of the wolf, the big black one that I saw in the yard.

           I looked away,mumbling a sorry under my breath. I ducked from his form and pushed my way out the door.

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