Chapter Sixteen

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            I twirled around faster, my feet skimming of the ground as my hair blew around me. Figures blurred past my vision as my stomach did flip-flops. “Spin, spin, spin. I love spinning.” I chanted, smiling happily.

            A hand reached out, halting the chair and ruining my fun. I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest as the room continued to spin in my head, “You’re a Meany Xavier.” I told him, frowning.

           He laughed, poking my cheek and sitting in the chair beside me, “I thought this was a serious matter, Anna?” He told me, using my own words against me.

            I rolled my eyes, “Whatever.”

           Clark came in behind us, kicking the door shut with his leg, “So,” He said, plopping down in the chair beside Xavier, “What’s the plan?”

           I leaned forward on my elbows, leaning into Clark’s rather large desk, “Gather all your available fighters. I mean real fighters too Clark, not amateurs.”

            Clark snorted, “Isn’t that what your packs made up of?”

            Xavier swiveled around in his chair, his eyes dark and his fists clenched, “You know we could take anyone of you, any day.”

            “Fine,” Clark said, standing up. Xavier followed suit, “Let’s go then.”

           I stood up too, leaning over the desk and placing my hands on both there chest, “No one’s going anywhere. Now sit down.”

           They continued staring at each other for a moment before breaking eye contact and sitting back down.

           I sighed, rubbing my hand over my face, “Look, if this is going to work you need to at least try and get along.” I gave a pointed glare at both of them, “Got it?”

            They nodded, frowns on their faces. I felt like a parent punishing her children. I shuddered; I sure as hell wasn’t Xavier’s mom.

            “Okay,” I leaned back in the chair and looking at Clark, “Meet us at our pack in an hour?”

           Clark nodded, “Alright.” He jumped up from his chair, leaving his office without a word.

             I stood up, walking out from Clark’s desk. I stopped in front of Xavier, resting my hands on the handles of his chair. He smiled up at me, his eyes dark and sexy, “You’re going to be the death of me, Anna.” He groaned out, his eyes heavy.

             I smiled, biting my bottom lip, “Why is that, Xavier?” I purred softly, stopping myself from giggling as his face became pained.

             He let out a low growl, grabbing me by my hips and pulling me down onto his lap. My legs laid on both sides of his as my center pressed against him. His dark eyes met my own, his rough hands trailing up and down my waist.

            His fingertips slid under my top, skimming the skin and making me shiver. He smirked, leaning in and kissing up my neck. He skimmed my collar bone, working his way up and nipping my earlobe. He went back down, stopping at my mark and sucking at the skin. I let out a strangled sound, my hands clutching at his shoulder blades and my nails digging into his back.

             I tilted my head up, our eyes meeting. His eyes were dark. Black. I’m sure mine had the same crazed, heated look to them. My hands trailed upwards, gripping his jaw gentle, brushing against his light stubble. I leaned in slightly, him moving in sync with me.

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