Chapter Nineteen

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 A/N: Sorry for the shortness.


“Anna, sweetie, can you pass me that can of milk?” Xavier’s mom spoke from behind the counter before pepping her head up and laying a tray on the granite.

          I nodded, reaching into a cupboard and standing on my tiptoes. I stretched my fingers and barely scratched the surface of the can. I let out a huff, jumping up as my curls bounced around my face.

          A warm hand wrapped around my waist before an arm reached up, grabbing the can from the shelve and laying it on the counter.

         I pouted, turning around and leaning into the counter, “Show off.” I huffed at Xavier, brushing my hair from my face.

          Xavier grinned down at me, wrapping his arms around my waist and trapping me against the counter, “It’s not my fault that you have a childlike body.”

          “It’s not my fault you’re a giant.” I mocked back, making a face at him.

          He chuckled, bending down and giving my lips a quick peck. I sighed, twirling my fingers through his thick hair and pulled his head closer. I felt him smirk against my lips as his hands tightened on my waist.

           Xavier broke away suddenly, his face startled as he clutched the back of his head with his hand, “Ow! Mom! What was that for?”

           Leila, Mrs. Woods, stood there, her arms crossed over her chest and a glare in her eyes despite the half smile tugging on her lips, “No kissing in my kitchen, Xavier.”

          I blushed and Xavier grumbled under his breath, “You don’t seem to have a problem with it when it’s you and dad.”

          Leila’s eyebrows rose, “What was that, Xavier Woods?”

         Xavier gave his mom a bright smile, “Nothing, mom.” He walked over to her, giving her cheek a light kiss.

         “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Leila grumbled though her face was smiling.

          Xavier grinned, walking back over to me and grabbing my hand, “I and Anna are going out.” He called over his shoulder, dragging me from the kitchen.

          I dug my heels into the ground when we reached the hall.

          Xavier turned to me with a pout when he realized I wasn’t following, “Anna,” He whined.

          I rolled my eyes and had to hide a smile at his behaviour, “It’s Christmas eve, Xavier. We can’t leave everyone.”

          Xavier was still smiling as he dropped my arm and pinned me against the wall, “We can if I want you all to myself.” He smirked, dropping his head to my neck and kissing my mark softly, his teeth nipping and pulling at the skin.

           I sighed heavily, my hands reaching up to clutch at his back. “Xavier,” I tried to make it stern but all that came out was a moan.

           I felt him grin against my neck before he lifted his head up, “We’ll be back before morning.”

           Before I could reply, Xavier grabbed me by my hips, lifting me up and dropping me on his shoulder. I let out a squeak, my head bouncing from the impact.

          “Xavier!” I cried, “What are you doing?”

          I felt him chuckle as he made his way to the door, “I’m kidnapping you, of course.”

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