Chapter Fourteen

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                I woke up to the sound of loud voices, there sound waves carrying throughout the house. It took a moment for me to realize where I was, what had happened. My cheek was cold and I reached a hand up. I brought my hand back down when I felt the wetness, biting my lip until it bleed.

               God, I need to stop crying.

             I turned to my side, seeing Xavier's sleeping form. I examined him for the first time since I got back. His eyes were closed, his chest heaving up and down peacefully. I ran my finger tips across his face, lingering on his lips. He had large bags under his eyes and I felt a pang in my chest.

              I did that. I hurt him.

          His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist, refusing to let go. I'm not quite sure what happened last night but I'm pretty sure I passed out on the way up the stairs. Xavier must've carried me the rest of the way up. I wrapped my arms around his bare waist, snuggling into his side as more unwanted tears flew freely down my face.

          God, this feels so good.

       I bent my head down, placing a soft kiss on his chest. His arms tightened around me and I looked up to see his eyes flutter open. He looked down at me in shock for a moment before blinking and regaining his composure.

        He held me tight, placing a soft, tender kiss on my forehead, "God, Anna. You don't know how much I've wished for this moment."

          I didn't reply only holding him tighter.

          Me too, Xavier. Me too.

        He tilted my head up, his rough thumb caressing my cheek. He brushed away my tears, placing a sweet, lingering kiss in their place, "I'm so sorry, Anna. I'm so sorry." He whispered to me, tangling one hand in my hair.

           He held me as I stared past him, looking over his shoulder with an empty feeling. I shoved out of his grip, sliding from the bed quickly.

            I need to keep in action, I need to keep busy. Then, maybe I'll forget to be sad, to cry.

            "Anna," Xavier spoke, jumping out of bed after me.

             "I need clothes," I told him, refusing to met his eyes.

          He stood there for a minute, just staring. Not saying anything.

           "Xavier?" I said again, still not looking at him.

           He walked forward, stopping until he was directly in front of me, our chests touching. He grabbed my chin, turning my face so I was forced to face him. I directed my gaze downward and his grip on my chin tightened, "Anna," He spoke warningly, making my chest tighten, "Look at me."

           I looked up, my golden brown eyes meeting his stormy blue ones. "I need clothes," I repeated, tucking a curl behind my ear and breaking our gaze.

          He sighed, letting me go and turning. He left the room, returning a few moments later with clothes in his arms. "Here," He said, tossing me a piece of fabric, "It's Jackie's."

            I caught the dress, holding it in my arms. He must've seen my puzzled expression because he spoke again, "Jackie's been staying here most nights, along with Eli and many other members of the pack. Encase anything happened."

          I knew what he meant, encase I came back. I nodded, not saying a word but turning on my heel and walking into the bathroom.

          I undressed and dressed quickly, shoving on Jackie's white sundress. I walked back out when I was done, Xavier dressed and waiting.

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