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Okay, so this is the sequel, just a short summary on it and the title.

Take Me

"I let you go once, Brooke. I won't let that happen ever again. Not now that I know where you are, not now that I know you're only a few states over and can so easily be mine again. Not ever will I let you go."

Brooke Ivony's life has been a little bit short of a picnic. With a past that creeps up on her at every chance it gets and a drug addicted alcoholic mother as her sole guardian, she is somewhat secretly relieved when she's given the offer to live with her deadbeat dad in California. Only, there's one person that's holding her back. Eli.

Eli Bailey is Beta of his pack in Aberdeen, Washington, just found his human mate and is planning on telling her about the 'big family secret' on their three month anniversary. However, Eli finds these plans terminated when she suddenly goes missing without a words notice. He searches high and low for her, but with every trail he finds leads to a dead end.

Secrets are high, secrets that some can't afford to tell. But Brooke needs to get back Aberdeen eventually, even though it's where her demons hide.

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