Chapter Fifteen

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       “Anaita!” A voice called from the hall, there tone loud and sharp.

                 I took a deep breath, running my hand through my curls, flattening it down. I turned, plastering a wide beautiful smile on my face, my eyes wide. “Michael!” I exclaimed as he stopped in front of me. I pulled him into my arms, placing a soft kiss on his icy cold cheek.

              He smiled his bitter smile, holding me tight in an embrace, “How are you, love?” He questioned, pulling back so he could look at me.

           I subconsciously crossed my arms over my chest, feeling naked in the costmary angel attire. I smiled despite it, “Good. And yourself?”

           Michael lips twitched upwards, the tips of his finger tucking a curl behind with the rest of them, his path leaving a cold spell in its wake. “I’m fine.”

        I nodded, making sure not to show the disgust I felt from his touch on my face, “That’s good, Michael. Have you seen Cassiel anywhere?”

        He shook his head, a smile creeping on his face. A smile I didn’t like. “No. Cassiel has a job to do, a job I assigned for him personally.”

       I nodded, knowing better not to ask questions. “That’s fine. Is there something you need from me, Michael?”

       He nodded, his blue eyes turning sinister, “Yes, yes there is, Anna.” He rolled my nickname of his tongue like it was poison.

        I took a small step away from him, my heart pounding. I didn’t like his look. I didn’t like the way he was gazing at me with that heated gaze.

        “W-what is it, Michael?” I stumbled over my words, avoiding his scorching gaze.

        He stepped forward and I stepped back. He grabbed my arm suddenly, pulling me towards him roughly, causing me to crash into his bare chest.

       The wisps of white clothe were the only thing that separated our bodies. He forced my head up, demanding me to look at him. His face was angry, his jaw clenched. I tried to shove away from him but before I could move he grabbed me by my hips, his icy hands holding me in place.

       His fingertips dig into me, his head lowering to mine as he shoved his lips against mine in a rough matter. I struggled, my fists pounding against his chest as I tried to worm my way out of his steely grip.

       I tried turning my hand to the side but he bite down on my lip, drawing blood and making me let out a quiet whimper. I closed my eyes, letting my muscles relax to give him the illusion that I was enjoying myself.

        I kissed him back, my hands traveling over his bare chest as I ignored the bile rising in my throat. His grip on my hips relaxed slightly as they travelled further down, giving my butt a hard squeeze.

        I felt tears gather in my eyes and I tried to shove them back. I brought my knee up fast, nailing him in between the legs before he had time to react.

       He groaned, releasing me and falling to his knees. I ran, my bare feet pounding against the marble white floor, the sound echoing through the grand hall. I pushed my body faster, the gold blood from my lip trailing down my chin.

         The entry way was a few feet ahead and I charged to it, my head pounding and my blood rushing.

         I wasn’t fast enough. Michael’s arm reached out, grabbing me around the waist and throwing me to the ground. I landed with a smack, my head banging against the floor with a loud bang.

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