New Story

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Hi, everyone!

So, I wrote a new story and thought I'd tell you guys about it just in case you all are extremely bored and have absolutely nothing to read, I thought I'd save you from that and let you know ;) I'm just kidding, but still check it out if you want too :)

Talk Disney to Me

"You're my Wendy and I'm your Peter. We can fly away to Neverland and sword fight with Captain Hook because that's the point, Wendy, it doesn't have to make sense, we don't have to follow the rules as long as we make up a new set that follows the philosophy of never growing up and fixing everything with a bit of pixie dust." He smiled at me and his eyes melted through my own. "That's the thing about Disney and one day, I promise I will show you everything you refuse to believe in."

Carly Ann is in a serious pickle. With no money for college and barely enough for rent, she has no idea how she's going to get out of the dump she's living in. To make matters worse, she meets a boy who he is too happy to be considered human, obsessed with all things Disney and for some reason, gains a strange liking to her.

He introduces her to all sorts of strange stuff, like wild parties, girls that have experienced things Carly has only heard of from Nicolas Sparks books and boys. Lots of boys. However, Carly is just as fiery and stubborn as the colour of her hair and the strange Disney boy is going to experience one of his greatest challenges yet, bigger than the fight between Peter Pan and Captian Hook. That's pretty darn big.

Noah White is on a mission. He is determined to make Carly enjoy Disney, even if he has to take her on a trip to Neverland in the process.



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