Chapter Twelve

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Xavier's POV

Damn, I hate mornings. The sun blinked at my eyelids, a smile on my face as I remembered last night's events.

She loves me, my mate loves me.

I thought about last night, the events forever saved in my memory.

God, she's so beautiful.

I turned to my side, needing to see Anna and see her now. I reached my arms out, my eyebrows furrowing when they met with nothing but air. I shot up, looking around the room in a hurry.

The bathroom and closet door where wide open and I felt myself panic. I sniffed the air, taking in the scents. Anna's was there, but it was faint, distant.

She's been gone awhile.

I shot up out of the bed, racing for the door and yanking it open. "Anna!" I cried, looking up and down the hallway.

I called out again and was met with nothing but silence. I thumped through the hall, making no attempt at muffling the noise. I didn't care, I needed to find her.

A door opened suddenly, Brooke stepping out in nothing but Elis t-shirt. She screamed when she saw me, her hands coming up to cover her eyes, "Xavier!" She screamed, "Why are you naked?"

I looked down, noticing for the first time that I was. "Have you seen Anna?" I asked her, my voice coming out panicked.

She shook her head, her hands still covering his eyes, "No."

Eli stepped out of the room, taking a step back and blinking rapidly when he saw me, "Dude," He cried, "Why the hell are you naked?" He shook his head, "Keep it in the bedroom, man."

"Have you seen Anna?" I asked frantically.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "No, why?"

I shrugged my shoulders, running my hand through my hair franticly. "She's not here!" I yelled a growl in my voice.

He took a step back, holding his hands up in defense, "Whoa, calm down, man. She's probably at our house."

I sighed, my shoulders dropping in defeat. I nodded turning and walking back to my room without a word.

Eli might be right, but it still didn't make me feel better. I walked in my room, slamming the door behind me. Images flashed through my mind, flashes of last night. Anna being pressed up against that door, moving towards the bed, Anna's legs wrapped tightly around my abdomen.

I let out a sharp breath, shaking my head rapidly to clear my thoughts. I dressed quickly, shoving on the same jeans from last night. I looked around for my t-shirt but couldn't find it; I shrugged it off, grabbing a new one.

I flipped my hair to the side, shoving it out of my eyes. Hopping into a pair of sneakers on my way to the door, I went to turn the handle.

Something caught my eye and I stopped, turning my head to the side. A piece of paper lay on my desk, placed neatly with a pencil laid on top. A dress lay on the chair, a pink dress.

Anna's dress.

I walked towards it, my hand falling from the handle. I grabbed the dress, holding it in my hands and sliding into the chair. I picked up the letter, brushing the pencil aside.

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