Chapter Eleven

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               A big black ugly line cascaded down the page as my hand shook, the pencil taking on a mind of its own.

            I dropped the pencil.

           A tear fell down my face, landing on the paper and making the streak of black dance along the page. My body shook lightly as I tried to control myself.

          I took a deep breath and picked up the pencil again.

          I flipped the page, writing on the other side. My hand travelled the page as I wrote. Not once pausing to think, I wrote everything that came to my mind in that instant, nothing more, and nothing less.

          I didn’t erase one thing, because nothing was a mistake.

          I closed my eyes, relieving the memories. The laughter, the sadness, the tears and the love.

           I poured everything I have into this letter, because it was going to take everything in me to give it to him. Everything in me to leave. To leave this life of happiness and love and into something that is unknown.

            I don’t want to go but you can’t always get what you want.

           I smiled, bitterly.

          The pencil dropped as I wrote my ending words, ‘Love, Anna.’



17 hours earlier.

               I tiptoed, biting my lip to muffle my giggles. Closing the door behind me softly, I stopped when I reached the bed, staring down at Xavier’s snoring form.

               He lay on his back, the sheets reaching his abdomen and showing of his bare stomach. One muscular arm was draped over his eyes, his mouth open.

          I lifted up the camera Eli had given me, placing my finger over the red button. I pressed down on it, cursing lightly in my head as a bright white flash burst out of it.

          Xavier shot up, his arm shooting out and his face wide in alarm.

          I burst out, laughing loudly. Xavier’s eyes landed on me, his eyes narrowing, “Anna,” He warned.

           I smiled, cheekily, sticking my tongue out, “Anna, don’t you dare,” He started. I turned on my heel, racing for the door.

          Xavier was faster though, even with my head start. He grabbed me by the waist just as I was reached for the handle.

           I squealed as he picked me up by the waist, throwing me upside down and over his shoulder. “Xavier!” I cried, punching his strong back.

           He chuckled, sliding me down his chest and resting me so I was laying bridle style in his arms. I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest, “You ruined my fun.”

           He laughed, his black bed hair falling into his eyes. He flicked my nose, “You’re not supposed to be having fun, it’s my birthday.” He told me, emphasizing on the ‘my.’

            I stuck my tongue out, crossing my eyes, “Whatever.”

           He rolled his eyes, leaning down close to my face suddenly. He captured my lips, kissing me softly. I smiled against his lips, reaching up and letting my arms fall around his neck. The camera fell from my hands, landing on my lap.

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