Chapter Thirteen

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I don't fear death

I welcome it

With open arms and open palms

For death is not a foe, but a friend

He takes our souls, for hearts be told

He does not ask for our bodies, nor does he our souls

He takes what he believes he deserves.


Cas charged into action, his sword appearing in thin air before he clutched it desperately in his hand, as if it was his only lifeline. Israel did the same, his own sword flashing into his hand.

This wasn't weird to them, they fought before, they fought in wars. I, have not.

Xavier was still screaming in my ear, his voice reaching the brink of madness. "Xavier!" I cried into the phone, successfully getting him to shut up, "I got to go." I told him before he could say anything.

"What? Anna no!" He yelled, his voice panicked.

I stole a glance at Cas as he unfolded his wings, looking the perfect picture of an almighty warrior. More screams sounded from outside, bullet's being shot and angels were dying everywhere.

I could feel it.

"I love you." I whispered into the phone, knowing that it might be the last time I ever get to say that to him. The last time I get to hear his voice.

I hung up before he could answer.

Cas turned to me, "Anna," He started but I cut him off.

I held up my hand, grabbing my pants from the floor and shoving into them, "Don't even, Cas. I'm fighting, end of discussion."

He sighed, looking at me then to Israel, "Let's go then."

Israel nodded and I flashed my sword to me, feeling it slide into my open palm. I clutched it, gripping it tightly.

We left the room, traveling through the halls. No one had made it to this side of the base yet and I was glad for that. It came me some time to prepare. Despite the fact that they weren't happening in front of me, I could still hear the fights as if they were. Cries for help mixed in with cries of battle, making it impossible to pick out which is which.

I let my wings unfold as we walked, my pure white wings looking to pristine in a house full of horrors. We turned the corner and the full force of everything hit me with a bang.

Angels were fighting everywhere, some in the air and others on the ground. Bodies were dropping like raindrops; everywhere you looked someone was going down.

Cas dived right in, Israel shortly behind him. I saw Charmeine being attacked by two angel men and it wasn't looking good for her. I ran, one, two, before propelling myself up. I flew over angels heads, dodging the ones in the sky.

I landed in front of the larger angel, taking him on and letting Charmeine have the other. His face registered surprise when he saw me and I knew that he recognized me. I knew him; we use to practice together, train every Saturday

I took advantage of his shock, swinging my sword onto his wrist, making a large wound; he recovered too soon for his sword to be knocked out of his hand. He retaliated, his face becoming fierce.

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