Chapter Seven

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    Me and Cas lay on my bed, side by side his light snores reaching my ears. It was late and Cas had fallen asleep hours ago. However, I still lay awake; eyes wide open and mind reeling. We had returned to Elis house, well more like escaped to Eli's house. There were more rogues sightings, enough to make Xavier tense up and for him to rush out hastily along with the rest of the pack fighters. He left me with two guys who were suppose to 'look after me,' and a strict warning not to leave the house. 

    Me and Cas travelled to an empty room and disintegrated within the first fifteen minutes. 

    Xavier still hadn't returned though and as far as I knew no one else has either. I was beginning to become worried. I thought about using the mating bond that Xavier had told me about but to be honest, I had no idea how to use it. 

    I tried to convince Cas to search the area with me but he gave me a stern and flat out, 'no.' He told me that it'd be too dangerous and that he wasn't going to let me get hurt. I then went on to tell him that I was over two hundred years old and an angel, plus one of the best fighters there was in heaven. We argued for a bit before I finally gave in agreeing just to wait it out. 

    I was regretting that decision now. The clock on the bed read, in big red letters '1:30am.' I closed my eyes for a moment, letting out a breath. Turning to the side, I stared at Cas's sleeping form. His arm was draped loosely around my waist and his eyes were shut tight. His breathing was calm and even, his chest heaving up and down with each breath. 

    He refused to tell me everything, despite what he said. He told me that he has to figure some things out first and that he wasn't quite sure what had happened to him himself. I called him bipolar and made him promise that he would tell me in the morning. 

    I tried to pry some answers from him but he refused to budge. I just wanted to know who took him, what had happened while he was there and how they took him. I asked him if it was angels but he didn't answer, no matter how many times I asked. 

    Obviously, due to the state of his body I knew he wasn't treated well. I just wanted to know to what extent. It hurt me to think that Cas was being at hurt while I was sitting at home, doing nothing about it. 

    My fingers traced the outline of the bruises lining his face. I winced as I stared at the ugly purple and blue pattern. It would soon turn yellow and hopefully heal. Since he was injected with the Heavenly Fire (the only thing he had explained to me) and the wounds were made when he was injected, he would heal as a normal human. 

   It was rare but Cas hadn't received his ability yet. I had received mine when I first changed, but that was abnormal in itself. He was hoping it would come any day now. 

    I trailed my fingers down his neck, towards his chest and stopping when I reached the edge of his t-shirt. I lifted it up slightly to examine the marks lining his chest. 

    "Are you trying to take advantage of me, Anna?" Cas's groggy voice reached my ears. 

    I lifted my head up, dropping his t-shirt and giving him a smile, "That's gross, Cas. You're my brother, remember." 

    Cas winced, thinking I was still touchy about the subject. I sent him a reassuring smile. I wasn't completely over it, but I'll let it go for now. 

    He smiled back, grabbing me by the waist and heaving me up so I was lying on his chest. I squealed at the sudden movement. 

    He laughed, pushing my curls out of my face, "You know, Egyptians use to marry siblings together. Strengthens the bloodline." 

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