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Two Years Later


        “Xavier, can I ask you why we flew on a plane and took two bus rides to get to my old house in England when I could’ve easily flashed us here in point two seconds?” I questioned, leaning against the old railing of the staircase.

         Xavier gave me a grin, “Exactly point two seconds?”

        I rolled my eyes, shoving him on his arm, “You know what I mean.”

       He gave me a sly grin, moving forward quickly and shoving his calloused hands over my eyes.

        “Xavier,” I whined, “What are we doing?”

       “Shh,” He cried, “Don’t be so whiny.”

         I made a face as he guided me through the halls, occasionally banging me into things.

       “You’re doing that on purpose!” I cried when I banged into the wall for the fourth time.

        Xavier gasped, “I would never!” I could hear the grin in his voice.

       I rolled my eyes under his hands. One of his hands left my eyes as a door swung open, the cool London air hitting me instantly.

      “Why are we outside?” I asked suspiciously, “Are you going to kill me? Just so you know, I know this area more than anyone else.”

        “Yes, Anna.” I could hear the sarcasm, “I dragged you all the way to London after dating for two years to kill you at your old house. I’m a very sentimental guy.”

         I snickered, biting my lip to stop my laugh.

       We came to a stop on the top of the grassy hill and Xavier’s stubble tickled my neck, “Open your eyes, baby.” 

        I blinked as Xavier’s hands unwrapped themselves from my eyes. I saw the grey sky’s surrounding the manor, the slightly dull green grass and the clear as day pile of roses at the bottom of the hill.

       Each pile of roses spelt out a word Will you marry me, Anna Foster?

        I gasped, my heart beating wildly as my hand reached up to cover my mouth. Tears pricked at my eyes and I sucked in another breath, “Xavier,” I whispered.

       He kneeled down, pulling out a red velvet case from his back pocket. He opened up the case, peering at me with his storm blue eyes, hopeful and uncertain.

         I raced forward, flinging my legs around his bodice. I gripped his neck as his hands held my butt.

        I crashed my lips to his, kissing him hurriedly and passionately. He kissed me back just as fiercely, the kiss messy and sweet.

        I broke away, resting my forehead against his, “Yes,” I whispered, “Yes, I will marry you, Xavier Woods.”

        He smiled, one of the largest smiles he had ever smiled. And kissed my nose, my cheeks, my chin and my forehead.

        “I love you,” He told me.

        I kissed his chin, “I love you.” I placed a soft kiss on his lips, “But, we’re going to take things slow. We’re not running into the wedding right away, I want to spend at least a year being your fiancé. Deal?”

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