Chapter Five

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A loud creak echoed through the silent woods as I pushed open the old rusted iron gates. I walked forward, dust dancing around my feet as I stepped across the long dirt walkway. The brick wall surrounded the outside of the estate, all though it was a long walk until the estate will actually come into view.

I was surrounded by forest, tall bellowing oak and pine trees swayed in the wind. A few stray leaves scurried out in front of me and my boot kicked them away.

Surprisingly, it was actually pretty nice out today in London. The wind was still cool and a few flakes of wet snow had fallen this morning, but despite that the sun was shining brightly.

I had left Aberdeen the morning after the dream and it's been two days since then. I left in a rush, grabbing clothes and the essentials along with me before disintegrating. I've been staying in an old motel, working up the nerve to come here, my old home. The estate was less than a few feet away now, just past a few more trees.

I left Xavier a note saying that I'd be gone for a few days and not to worry. Although right now I know he's going of his head, probably searching the whole freaking country. Too bad I'm not even in America anymore.

I know that this is wrong of me to do this to him but I don't have a choice. I need to find out the truth and the best way to do that is to go back to the place where it all started. Maybe it'll help jog my memory.

I had a feeling though that if my dream really wasn't a dream, but a flashback than maybe there's a chance that Cas knew this all along. Maybe that's why he was so quick to jump in and take care of me when I was first Chosen. I didn't want to doubt Cas but he wasn't leaving me with a lot of options.

I felt bad for putting Xavier through all this worry and I knew that he'd be beyond furious when I come back tonight. But I need to do this for myself, for my own sanity. I hadn't realized that I'd stopped walking, shaking myself out of it, I forced myself to keep moving.

I reached the curve and the end of the tree line. A field of grass stretched out, miles long, a grand fountain stood up next to the stairs leading up to the estate. Three angels lay in the middle of the fountain, each one use to sprout water. But now even from this distance I could see that the fountain wasn't working.

I gazed around the estate, double cheeking that no one was around. I shrugged of my jacket, closing my eyes and relaxing my muscles. With a quick movement my muscles jolted in my back and my wings sprouted out, ripping through the material of my white dress. I fluttered them gentle, testing them out. It had been two long since I last let my wings free.

I ran forward, one, two steps. Before launching myself in the air, arching my back and letting my wings flap freely. It felt nice, having the cool wind brush against my face and blow against my pure white feathers.

I stopped, leaning down and angling my body to land. My feet hit the ground and I fell forward a few steps. I left my wings out, liking the feeling of them being free.

The estate stood tall and proud in front of me, it was five storeys tall, giving it a towering and superior air. It was made of brick but I remember the brick once being pristine white but now it's a dull grey.

Someone must be up keeping it, but only rarely as it's not up to its usual standards. The whole front half of it was decorated with long luxurious windows. Two large pillars stood a top of the doorway steps, holding up the structure above the entrance. The sides of the house jutted out in a circle structure making it seem even more tremendous.

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