Chapter Six

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    The saying was, "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours forever. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be."

     Personally, I think it's all a bunch of bullshit. I mean first of all, if you let something go, obviously you wouldn't want it to come back to you, otherwise you would've kept it in the first damn place. Also, back to point one, why couldn't you just of kept it?

Then it could be yours forever without all this letting go crap. And lastly, just because someone doesn't come back to you don't mean it wasn't meant to be. You could've been perfectly happy if you didn't let them go in the first place, maybe the persons just tired of rejection.

     Or on the other hand, the person giving it away could just be trying to protect the other person and thinks that letting them go is the best option and they really love them. But how is the other person supposed to know that?

What if they think that you just hate them and that getting back with you isn't worth the heart break? Or what if the person tries to get back with you no matter what? What if you don't want that person to chase after you, to be yours forever? Because you know in the end that it's going to end badly, for you and the other person.

     I let out a groan, my head falling into my hands. My elbows rested against the hard wood of the old wooden desk in my room. The seat of the chair pressed against my butt harshly, making it tingle.

    I dropped my heads from my face, letting my head fall forward hitting the desk with a thump. I banged it repeatedly, over and over again, not feeling anything. Sometimes this 'nothing can hurt me, I'm invincible' thing was really annoying.

Each time my head came in contact with the wood it made a loud bang.

Bang, bang, bang.

Knock, knock, knock.

    I repeated the motion, hearing the same knocking follow after it. I rested my head against the desk, leaving it there. Someone knocked three times again, and again and again.

    I lifted my head up suddenly, turning sharply towards the door, "Eli, I swear to God if you don't stop knocking on my damn door, I will castrate you!" I screamed loudly, frustration seeping through my words.

    The knocking stopped and the door swung open slightly. Eli peeped his head in, looking around wearily; when he saw me he stepped in and kicked the door shut behind him. He went straight to the bed, falling back on it with a groan.

    I got up from the desk and landed on the bed next to him. I raised an eyebrow at him, "What's wrong with you?"

    He looked at me in disbelief, "What's wrong with me?" He questioned, pointing at himself, "What's wrong with you?"

    I shrugged, leaning back on the pillows and throwing my legs over his, "Nothing."

    He raised an eyebrow, "Nothing? Really, because I do remember you just threatening to castrate me for knocking on your door."

    I rolled my eyes, "Oh please, you did more than knock. You were being freaking annoying."

    Eli held up his hands defensively, "Whoa, whoa now, Anna. Take it down a notch."

    I giggled lightly at Elis alarmed face, leaning my head on his sweaty shoulder. I poked his chest, letting out a squeal, "Ew, you're all sweaty and gross."

    He gave me a look, "Gee, I wonder why, Anna. Maybe it's because someone forgot to follow through with their promise to talk some sense into the out of control Alpha. But instead she decides to do the exact opposite of that and make everything worse than it was before."

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