Yet Another Voice

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*a/n: another find from last September. Enjoy!*

© Copyright Sweetdreamer7472016

Yet Another Voice

You are the voice in my head,
Telling me I'm not worth it.

You are the voice in my head,
Telling me: "Pain? You deserved it."

Not once did you say I could achieve.
Not once did you say I could believe.

I have been hidden,
I have been afraid,

Of what?
My reflection?
My future?

All of it...

No one knows about this voice.
No one knows....
NO ONE knows.

The suffering I've gone through,
The fear I've put up with,

On the outside I seem better,
On the inside I'm bitter.

I've put up a wall for the world to see,
Only a few have lived with me,

But they don't even know,
The true facade I have grown.

It's hard for me to trust...
It's not easy to give in...

The discomfort I have inflicted on myself,
Is a battle I may never win.

I don't think I'm alone with these thoughts ....
The one who's close to me may have forgot.

I don't say much of myself.
I am much less important.

So I listen,
And that is how I'll stay...

And someday that may change,
Or else I'll be led astray.

My eyes close...
World grows darker...

Yet another voice...
Guess who?

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