Hell... I mean... School

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     Why does school have to exist? I mean... whats the point of it? If I wanted to learn I would go learn and if I wanted to be picked on and beaten senseless I would join a fight club. I don't want to do either of those things, so I DON'T SEE THE FUCKING POINT OF SCHOOL! 

     With those things in mind I proceeded to crawling out of my bed and towards my small closet. After a moment of not-so-careful consideration I picked out a red, short sleeve shirt and some tan, tight fitting pants. People always say first day of school impressions are the most important because that's what people judge your personality on, so with that in mind I picked out this boring outfit so people know ahead of time that I'm a nobody. 

     Once I was fully dressed I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs into the kitchen. At this point I'm convinced food is the only perk to being alive. Taking my time, I grabbed the milk out of the fridge and the cereal out of the pantry. Once I completed all the necessary steps that go into making a proper bowl of cereal I sat down to eat. Sadly, my pleasant breakfast was interrupted by the sound of four feet rushing down the stairs. 

     "NATSU!" My older brother Gajeel yelled as he turned the corner, "Are you ready for school yet!? The bus will be here any second to pick us up!" 

     I just nodded, to tired to answer. As I was cleaning my dish, the voice of my little sister echoed through the house. "NATSU ITS MY FIRST DAY OF EIGHTH GRADE AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR! HELP ME!" 

     I sighed before walking into her room. Wendy was my little sister and no matter how much she annoyed me I couldn't help but give into her every wish. She was just too cute to deny. 

     "Natsu, your gay so you should be good at this. What do I wear?" She started, staring thoughtfully at her overflowing wardrobe. I just sighed, ever since I came out a year ago my life has been a living hell. Not to mention Wendy now thinks I'm a style expert! None the less I complied to her demands and looked in her drawers. I plucked out a nice, casual, light blue dress and handed it to her. 

     "Pair it with a white sweater and those cute white flats Gajeel bought you last time you two went to the mall." 

     She smiled at my suggestion and jumped up and down in excitement while she showered me in thank-you's. I couldn't help but chuckle at her childish behavior. 

     "Come on loser the bus is here!" Gajeel yelled, causing me to rush to the living room before we exited the safe haven of our house and trudged towards the bus that would drive us to Hell. Or, as the majority of people call it, FairyTail Highschool. 

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