Broken Boys Don't Cry

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Natsu's POV

I looked at the boy on the bench. The boy that, for the past month, I have been lucky enough to call my boyfriend. He has changed me for the better and together, we have grown and roughed out the hardships of the world. I looked at the boy on the bench. His eyes were sunken, his hair was matted to his head with sweat, he was shaking, he was scared. I looked at the boy on the bench and began to cry. Why hadn't I been there? Why hadn't I been able to protect him? What kind of boyfriend am I? Overcome with emotion I ran over to Gray and wrapped him in my arms. I only realized my mistake when I felt him tense up under me and his breathing got heavy and labored. He tried to push me off, and I stepped back, realizing how triggering my actions were.
"Gray-" I said, beginning to apologize.
"Natsu! Come here!" Juvia yelled, her voice tense. She walked over to Gray and sat by his side. He immediately laid his head in her lap. She stroked his hair gently and shushed him until he calmed down.
"What do I do?" I whispered, vocalizing my most haunting thought.
Juvia shrugged. "Take it slow... step by step."
I nodded and sat next to them on the bench. "Gray... I'm so sorry. And I know an apology can never take away all the pain and hurt, but I wanna help you. I wanna be there for you, and I cant bear the thought of you being sad and broken like this. I want my Gray back. I l-"
He looked up at me. He didn't speak, but he looked me in the eyes, and I knew he understood what I was trying to say.
"It's cold." Juvia mentioned, "lets go back to my house."
She helped Gray up and the three of us walked the streets in silence. I grimaced as I noticed Gray limping.
Finally we arrived at Juvia's. As she was opening the door I realized a red stain was forming on Grays shirt. "SHIT!" I yelled, "Gray, you're bleeding!"
He looked down, but appeared to be unfazed by the blood gushing from his torso. Juvia quickly led him into the room and laid him on the couch.
"Can you get me the bandages that are on the counter?" She orders, removing gray's shirt. I gasp as she reveals multiple, deep, gashes adorning gray's torso and back. Once I hand her the gauze she gets to work bandaging what looks like a ripped stitch.
"I should have never let you out of the house," she murmurs to herself.
I stand there, unable to do anything but stare.
What had he gone through. My head was immediately filled with the idea of revenge. Someone had to pay. My Gray was... broken. He was broken and bloody and damaged, and I don't know how I am gonna fix him.
"Natsu..." Gray whispered, extending his arm.
I jump, not expecting him to speak. I immediately ran to his side, engulfing his hand with mine.
He coughed weakly. "Can you sit with me?"
I smiled and nodded, laying down beside him.
Within five minutes I felt his breathing patterns even and I could tell he was fast asleep.
Juvia walked back into the room, drying her hands on a dish towel. "Oh good. He hasn't slept since we found him."
"So...I'm still confused," I began, thinking where to start. So many questions were flooding my mind. "Why did they do this?"
Juvia sighed. "Someone must have tipped them off that he was into guys. They are a hate gang. They've been active recently. It was only a matter of time before either of you became a target. I mean, there aren't that many out homosexuals at our school".
I nodded, realizing that sadly she was true. "What can we do to help him recover?"
She paused "physically or mentally?"
"Which one is worse?" I asked.
She smiled. A sad, forlorn smile. "Physical wounds heal, but wounds of the mind have an impact forever. He can never forget what he went through." She paused, "sadly."
I felt tears begin to form. "Why did it have to be him. Why couldn't it of been me they went after?"
Juvia patted me on the shoulder, and I realized how much she had done for both Gray and I in just the short time I had known her. She truly was different than I had thought she would be.
Gray stirred in my arms and swatted and something invisible in the air.
"Please.. please.. n-no! Stop what are you- why! Nooo!" Gray shot up in a cold sweat, panting as tears steamed down his cheeks. He screamed and pushed out of my grip. He jumped off the couch and sprinted to the bathroom. Juvia and I followed and found him vomiting in the toilet.
Juvia rubbed circles in his back as I went and got him a drink.
Poor boy. My poor poor Gray. He didn't deserve this. Nobody does, but especially him. He is my everything, and someone had to pay. They broke him, and I'm not sure if we can put him back together, but we can sure as hell try.

A/N: ya'll are troopers for still reading this piece of shit.

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