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Natsu's POV

I limped onto the bus and into my usual seat. My torso throbbed and my head ached. I just overall felt like I was going to vomit. 

"Natsu! What the fuck happened to you?" Gajeel screamed, pushing Levy away gently before making his way back to me. 

I was too weak to speak, so I let him figure it out. I saw him grit his teeth as realization dawned over his features. 

"How badly did they hurt you?" he growled, his brow furrowing in anger and his knuckles turning white. 

I tried to play it off as nothing more than a scratch, so I shrugged, but even that act in and of itself caused me to whimper in pain. "Not bad," I whispered, mentally kicking myself for sounding like a dying puppy. 

"Don't fucking lie to me Natsu." Gajeel's voice got dangerously low as he took the seat beside me. The same seat Gray had sat in jut seven hours prior. "We're gonna get them back for this."

I liked the sound of that, but I didn't want to start anything more. In the end it would just turn into a bigger problem for me. Plus, I didn't want to get my brother involved. Remember that whole thing I said about reputations... I shook my head and put a hand on his arm. "I'm okay." 

I could tell by his face he didn't believe me, but he kept quiet. I was thankful for that because I don't think I could talk anymore anyway. Laxus really had no mercy which means I have to be more careful from now on. That brings me back to my other dilemma though. Do I talk to Gray or not!? The sane part of me said not to, but the rebellious side said I should. Something told me it would all be worth it in the end. Gray was a nice boy, not to mention attractive. I would feel bad passing up such a prime opportunity. Than again, if I continue talking to him I might not make it long enough to see this relationship turn into anything worth while. 

The bus came to a stop on our street, so Gajeel helped me out. Once the bus was out of sight (and despite my protests) he slung me over his shoulder and carried me home. When we got inside he plopped me down on the couch and turned on the TV. 

"I'm getting you ice," He said briskly, the statement leaving his lips at the speed of light. 

When my brother is mad it make me scared. I feel like he's a ticking time bomb and at any second he could just go off, even if you are being super careful. 

Without putting up a fight I let him place a damp towel on my forehead and lift up my shirt to reveal many purple and black bruises. He grunted before pulling my shirt down harshly and placing the ice pack on my biggest injury. 

"Gajeel?" I grunted, snuggling down into the couch, "Don't do anything stupid." 

He didn't respond; Just walked up the stairs. I closed my eyes and thought about Gray. Oh what I was willing to do for this kid I just met this morning. Love works in mysterious, semi-dangerous ways that's for sure. 

Gray's POV (WOW)

I sat, totally still as I watched the TV screen. I felt my blood begin to boil inside me and I fought tooth and nail to control it. An outburst would not be best for this situation. I sat there and said nothing as I watched Natsu get kicked repeatedly while Bixlow and Laxus just laughed. Finally, the screen went black and although the laughter still rung throughout my head, the video was over. 

"What do you think?" Laxus grinned, "Taught HIM a lesson didn't we!?" 

I didn't answer so Bixlow responded, "We sure did! But do you think that was enough to teach him?" 

Evergreen scoffed, "I doubt it." 

I looked over at Freed who made eye contact with me and offered me an apologetic look. I looked away and rubbed my eyes. Control yourself Gray!

"You should have seen him Fullbuster! The way he screamed was so funny," Laxus continued. "He sounded like a girl!" 

Control yourself Gray!

"Oh yeah! And how he cried when we wouldn't let him up!" Bixlow joined in once again. 

Fuck it. "Why the hell did you do that!" I yelled, turning to face my cousin. "You really hurt him!" 

Everyone stopped talking and looked at me like I was crazy. 

"That was kinda the point dude..." Laxus replied. 

"Why would you hurt him! He did nothing to you! Just because he is gay doesn't give you a reason to beat him up! You're just being a dick! I fucking can't believe you wou-," I was gonna say more but I was interrupted by Laxus's palm coming in contact with my face. The hit left a stinging sensation on my cheek and I froze in place. 

"Shut Up," Laxus commanded. "Even if he wasn't hitting on you, being gay is reason enough to beat him up!" His voice rose with every word. 

"No it's not," I whispered, looking him straight in the eye. 

"What! Are we too late! Has he turned you into a faggot already!" Laxus screamed, slamming me into the wall and placing his hands on both sides of me, trapping me in. 

"Laxus," Freed said cautiously. 

"SHUT UP!" He yelled, spit flying in my face. "Answer the question Gray." 

"You can't make someone gay," I responded cleverly. 

"I'm serious dude... don't go near Natsu. If you do, it wont just be him that gets beat up next time. Understand?" 

I didn't answer. Instead I looked down at the ground. I wasn't about to make that promise. 

Laxus sighed. "That sounds like a no to me. Bixlow come here." 

I straightened out and looked at Bixlow who was getting up from the couch and walking towards me. 

"Punch him," Laxus ordered, "Hard." 

There was no hesitation. Before I had time to turn away Bixlow's fist had made impact with my gut. I doubled over in pain. Laxus caught me and drug me back up while his friend swung at my face. The same spot Laxus had previously slapped was once again filled with pain. 

"That's enough!" Freed yelled from his spot across the room. "You're mom will know something was up if he gets beat up too badly," he said convincingly. 

"True," Laxus growled before dropping me. "Get outta here." 

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