Side Wife = Side Life

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Natsu's POV

I walked into first period and immediately noticed the entire class snickering about something or other. Phones were being passed around and the sound of screenshots filled the air. 

Normally stuff like that is about me, so I just sat down in my seat and kept my head down while I waited for Gray to enter. The teacher came in and began the lesson, but there was no sign of my boyfriend. Maybe he was sick, or maybe he over slept. My mind began to wander with all the possibilities and I began to get slightly anxious. The bell rang signaling the end of first mod and as I walked slowly to gym I took out my phone and shot Gray a test. I wonder where he is. 

As I walk into the locker room I am once again painfully aware of whispers and glances. Bixlow walks up to me and clamps his hand onto my shoulder. 

"How does it feel to not be the only faggot in the school now" he laughed, patting me roughly. 

I was confused. Someone else came out as gay? Or someone else was outed as gay... oh god the poor guy he'll probably get treated just like I do. Before I could ask who it is Bixlow walked away. I noticed that Laxus wasn't in the locker room and I began to get worried that something had happened between Gray and him but my suspicions were put to ease when Laxus was spotted sitting by Evergreen. 

"Natsu!" A high pitch voice yelled, startling me. 

I looked up and spotted Juvia running towards me. I sighed, "oh... hi."

"Uh... how are you?" she asked sheepishly. 

"Fine," I answered, still not completely sure what prompted her to talk to me. 

"Have you um... heard from Gray?" 

Hearing Gray's name made my heart speed up drastically. I suddenly got overwhelmed with jealously. Why did Juvia want to know... why did she care. None the less I answered her question with a blunt and solemn no. 

She nodded and before I could stop her she turned around and walked away. Looking around quickly I ran back into the locker room and  grabbed my phone. Noticing Gray still hasn't responded I dialed his number and put the phone up to my ear. Eight rings and no answer. I decided to leave him a message. 

"Hey Gray, just wondering where you are and making sure you're okay. School isn't as much fun without you! I miss you and call me back!" 

After that I trudged out and continued on with my day. 

All to slowly the end of the day rolled around and I was finally able to go home. I hopped into Gajeel's car and the two of us began the drive. 

"Don't you normally hang with Gray after school?" Gajeel asked curiously, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. 

I pouted, "He wasn't at school today and he isn't answering any of my calls. I'm kinda getting worried."

Gajeel laughed, "God you're so overprotective. The guy's probably sick or something just give him more than a day before you jump to conclusions. 

I took his words into account, but they still didn't put and end to all the possible scenarios floating around my mind. 

Just as we pulled up to the house my phone rang and I answered it eagerly as I ran through the door and too my room. "GRAY!" 

"Uh... no it's Lucy sorry to disappoint," she giggled. 

I sighed, "oh it's okay." 

"What is wrong?" she asked, sounding concerned. 

I described to her my predicament. She just laughed, which angered me a little bit. 

"Calm down Natsu," she began, and than told me almost word for word what Gajeel had said just moments before. 

I tried to argue it, but she was persistent. Finally she hung up on me. 

As soon as she did that I called Gray again. 

Gray's POV

My phone rang for the millionth time that day. I looked down and saw Natsu's name and picture flash across the screen. I sighed. I really didn't want to talk to him right now. I had just been kicked out of my house and I don't want to worry him. Still I answered, coming to the realization that I would probably cause him more worry by keeping him in suspense. 

"Hello," I began. 

"OH GOD GRAY THANK GOD WHERE ARE YOU ARE YOU OKAY!?" He yelled, the questions coming out of his mouth at the speed of light. 

I smiled, flattered by his concern, " I'm fine Natsu." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure."

"Well where are you?" 

I really didn't want to answer that question I thought as I looked around Juvia's room. "Out for a walk." I lied. 

"Well why weren't you at school?" 

Another question I didn't want to answer. "I didn't feel good."

"Oh well can I join you? I miss you." Natsu prompted. 

Seeing him would make me the happiest person in the whole world and I was about to say yes before I caught sight of myself in the mirror. I had bruises all over my face and my legs ached horribly. My whole visage was disheveled and I looked like a beaten up mess. 

"I'm sorry Natsu, but I kinda just wanna be alone. " Saying that made my heart break and I could here Natsu swallow a lump in his throat. 

"Oh... okay. Well, bye." That was followed by the click of the phone. 

Tears formed in my eyes and for the third time that day I cried. Juvia must of heard my sobs because she rain into the room and pulled me into a hug. 

"Oh Gray please don't cry! It makes me so upset! Laxus is a bully, but he doesn't hate you he's just scared cause he doesn't understand!" she sobbed, almost louder than I was. 

"God Juvia, this whole thing is a mess," I began. "Thank you so much for putting up with me and helping me and just understanding." 

She nodded, "anything for you." 

I smiled and hugged her back trying to calm my breathing. 

Once I had calmed down she pulled away and ran her fingers through my hair. "So what are you going to do about Natsu?"

In my moment of weakness I had told her that we were dating and she had taken it surprisingly well. She even fangirled over how cute she thought it was. I guess I was wrong about her. She's a really great girl. 

"I have no clue. I don't want him to know." 

She nodded in understanding. 

"I really like him! And I don't think he has seen the picture yet. His life is already bad enough I don't want him to worry about my safety as well."

"I'll worry about your safety," Juvia chuckled. "I'm your new family. Your side wife."

I laughed and wiped the stray tears from my cheek.  "I'll talk to my "side boyfriend" tomorrow than. Thanks side wife." I laughed. 

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