Word's Left Unsaid

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Natsu's POV

My conversation with Gray was odd to say the least. There was clearly something wrong and I was determined to find out what it was. I've never seen him act like this and if I was being honest it scared me to no end. He was always to strong and put together. Even when I saw him crying alone in the streets in the middle of winter he cried with purpose and strength. 

I walked into school with Lucy by my side, anxiously looking around for that mop of disheveled raven hair I had run my fingers through so many times before. 

"Stop twitching like that," Lucy said, "people will think you have Turrets or something."

I sighed, "I'm sorry Lu. I'm just really nervous. There is something wrong. I know it! I just don't know what exactly!" 

"I'm sure it's nothing," Lucy responded, clearly getting annoyed by my constant paranoia. 

"I just don't want him to hate me like everyone else in this school does," I pouted, suddenly painfully aware of the whispering happening around me. 

Lucy put her arms around my waist and gave me a small, but comforting hug, "I don't hate you."

"That's a shame," I chuckled, "because I hate you." 

She pouted and slapped me playfully across the arm, "Watch it Mr."

Just than I spotted the boy I had been looking for turning the corner onto school grounds. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie that covered most, if not all, of his face. The only reason I recognized him was because I spotted the necklace he always wore peaking out from under the shapeless fabric. He was walking at an unusually fast pace, and Laxus, nor his bus for that matter, were anywhere in sight. 

"Gray!" I yelled jumping up and down, waving my hands. "Come here!" 

Lucy quickly grabbed my shoulders and clamped her hand over my mouth. "You're drawing a lot of attention to you and Gray," she scolded before walking away. 

I noticed my error, and attempted to walk towards him while avoiding all the curious eyes. "Where were you yesterday?" I asked once I was within earshot of him.

I could tell by the way his head lifted the slightest bit that he had heard me. "Wasn't feeling well." He answered. 

I noticed that his words were semi-slurred, as if it pained him to say them. I ignored it though. "Awe that sucks! What was  wrong?" I responded, just trying to keep the conversation alive. 

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know."

I looked at the time on my phone and realized that we had to start getting to first period. I informed Gray of this. 

He nodded and began walking to the class, not even looking back to check if I was following. I ran up to his side and tried to catch a glimpse of anything under the hood. Was he crying? Was he hurt? Was he just cold?

When we walked into first period I was once again painfully aware of the whispers and glances. I shook it off though as I do every other day. Right now I had Gray to worry about. 

The class went on and Gray refused to acknowledge me the entire time. I passed him a note containing a funny picture, but he just crumpled it up and put it in his pocket without so much as a smile. When the bell rang he got up and walked out the door. Not waiting for me like he normally does. 

I sighed and felt almost like crying, but still I carried myself after Gray and towards are next class. 

I was about to walk into the locker room when I noticed Gray over to the side talking to the teacher. I scooted over so I could listen in. 

"But sir I-"

"No but's Fullbuster. You don't have a note so you have to do gym!" Mr. Macoa yelled. 

"I don't mean to be disrespectful sir but I just can't!"

"Now why can't you?" 

Gray avoided the question, "I'll loose the points and I'll take a detention." 

It was than that I saw it. Gray went to talk with his hands, but when he moved his arm waist high he flinched and put it back down. I than noticed the way he balanced all his weight on the left side, and the way his chest moved up and down at an abnormally slow pace. 

He was hurt. Bad. 

As Gray was turning to walk away I jumped out, grabbed his shoulders and dragged him into the now empty locker room. Before he could react I yanked down his hood, and revealed a busted lip and bruised cheek. Gray looked down, trying to keep my from seeing the damage. 

My breath caught in my throat. "Gray... why don't you tell me anything?" 

"Because it's not anything you need to concern yourself with," Gray whispered, his eyes still trained on the tile floor. 

I began to get mad and raised my voice. "Gray! I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND! WHEN YOU GET HURT IT IS MY BUSINESS!" 

Gray flinched, startled by my unusually loud voice. "I'm sorr-"

"Don't," I interrupted. "I don't understand! Does it hurt your pride to admit it? Do you keep it to yourself because you don't want me to see that your human! I don't get it Gray! Are you scared I'll leave you or something?"

He shook his head, "No, Natsu I care about you. I care about you so much and I just don't want you to worry." 

My eyes softened, "Not knowing what is going on with you makes me worry. Please, tell me what happened."

Gray fell to his knees, hissing in pain when his weak body made contact with the floor. He put his head in his hands in an attempt to muffle the sobs. I sat down next to him and pulled him into my arms. I ran my hands through his knotty hair and rocked him gently until he was able to speak. 

"Laxus just beat me up again. Nothing k-knew," he chocked out. 

I could tell he wasn't telling me the whole truth. There was something he was hiding. "That's it?" 

He hesitated, but than nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine it's just... hard ya know?" 

I shook my head, "I know." 

I helped him up and on to his feet. Our faces were only an inch apart and I looked into his tear filled blue eyes and realized how much he meant to me. Slowly I connected our lips and felt fire works explode in my stomach. He kissed back hesitantly, moving his hand up into my hair. 

After a few minuets he pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. 

"Thank you Natsu," He whispered. 

I smiled. "Anything for you. Just please. Tell me what's going on so I can help?"

I saw a look of guilt cross his face and his lips parted ever so slightly. He was about to say something, I knew it! But before he could get the words out he turned on his heels and walked out of the locker room. 

(A/N: I bolded this because this is kinda important lol. I don't know how old you guys are, or what you are into, but some people are asking me to add some smut chapters, and I was wondering how the majority of you felt about this? I could always label them if you want to skip over them or something. Please let me know in the comments because I would like to know before I move on!) 

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