Dodge Ball

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Natsu's POV

     Gray didn't do anything. He just let Laxus push me down like that and make a fool of me. I knew he wasn't different. He's just like everybody else. 

     Keeping my head down to avoid further humiliation I slunked into my history class and took a seat in the back. No one normally sits next to me, so one could imagine my surprise when I felt a presence in the chair next to me. 

     "I'm sorry I didn't stop it," Gray said, tapping my on the shoulder. "I should have." 

     I didn't respond. Laxus's threat echoed in my head, and I know he told Gray not to talk to me.... so why is he? I decided to voice my curiosity. 

     Gray looked surprised. "I have a mind of my own you know. I'm not just gonna stop talking to you because my cousin says so. I don't care who he is." 

     "Well you should. I'm sorry Gray, but I just don't think you should talk to me," I replied, looking away. 

     "I-I- oh... okay I guess," Gray whispered, sadness laced in his voice, causing a wave of guilt to wash over me. 

     I tried to focus on the teacher and what he was saying, but I just couldn't bring myself to do so. Gray wanted to be my friend even though he knew he would be in danger. I didn't want him to get hurt just because he wanted to be my friend though. I mean, that wouldn't be fair to either of us. 

     Oh god. Look at me! I just met this kid today and I'm already acting like I'm in some cheesy ass reality show with him! UGH the things men do to me. 

     Class went by way slower than I wanted it to. The teacher just kept talking and talking. My next class was gym. Gym. They should rename Gym "Bully Natsu Class."

     With that uplifting thought in mind I trudged into the boys locker room. The smell hit me almost as hard as Laxsus's fist. 

     "Hey gay, Nice to see ya again," He laughed, walking past me. 

     I waved, trying to play the hit to the shoulder off like it was nothing. 

     "Oh... hey Laxus," Gray's voice echoed throughout the almost empty locker room. Damn... as if this class wasn't bad enough. 

     "Make sure you get changed in the stalls Gray," Laxus hollered before exiting the locker room. 

     Gray turned the corner and we made eye contact for a brief second before he sighed and turned away. I wish I knew what was going through his head. Slowly, I watched him as he opened a locker across the room and remove his shirt. 

     I tried not to look, I really did... Actually I didn't try at all. HE HAD A SIX PACK! A MOTHER FUCKING SIX PACK! And not to mention that v-line... Much to my disappointment, he covered up his pale skin with another shirt rather quickly before sliding onto his pants. Trust me, I would have stayed, but I heard Bixlow coming out of the bathroom and if he saw me checking out Gray's ass he would tell Laxus and Laxus would beat me up and I'd be in tough shit.

     I exited the changing room and went out into the open gym only to see the worst game in all of existence set up and ready to be played...

     Dodge ball

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