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Weeks turned into months and months quickly morphed into... a solid year. Senior year, actually. Everything was... okay. I felt okay. Natsu and I were still together, although I don't know if that surprised anyone. We were out to almost the entire school and uh... that went about as well as you could expect. I still lived at his house and avoided run ins with my cousin Laxus at all costs. He'd tried to call me a few times, but basically gave up when I didn't answer. I occasionally see him in the halls, but I never see him with Evergreen or Bixlow anymore. I don't question it. Juvia and I have grown even closer. She's the best friend I don't deserve. Natsu keeps trying to get me and Lucy close, but I don't really like her all that much. She's too privileged and ditsy for my taste. Speaking of Juvie, the broad comes bouncing up, wearing a scandalous long sleeve top and shorts.
"Gray!" She exclaimed, pushing a hand through her shocking blue hair. "I haven't seen you in like a week! How are you!?"
I looked up to her and smiled, wrapping an arm around her waist loosely as we moved into school. "I'm good I'm good," I reassured her. "Wish we weren't in school, but uh... could be worse." I nodded and yawned softly.
She nodded in understanding, looking around. "Where's Natsu?" She asked, her sculpted  brows furrowed. She was always so concerned about us. There really wasn't a reason to be so worried. We were doing fine. We had our fights, but every couple does. That's normal. We'd been really open with each other. Like... really open. My ass was loose if you know what I'm saying (😜).
"He said he had to come into school early for something." I shrugged, moving to my locker. "I don't question him." I furrowed my brows when I found a large crowd around my locker, bustling and taking pictures. "What the hell..." I pushed through the people, saying quiet excuse me's as I did. I paused when I saw my locker, completely decorated from top to bottom. There were pictures of Natsu and I, and sweet tissue paper ruffles and love notes. On the top it read 'One Year feels like a life time with you". He blinked slowly, tears escaping me. That stupid butt. He was... god. He was too good for this world. I put in the combination for my locker hesitantly, careful not to rip the decorations as I pushed the locker open.
"Surprise!" Natsu screamed, jumping from the locker. The crowd around us awed, meanwhile I was having a FUCKING HEART ATTACK.
"N-Natsu!" He exclaimed, hitting his chest a few times before I kinda... slowly... deteriorated and just gripped onto his shirt as I sunk against him, breaking out in tears. "Why are you so fucking perfect!" I cried.
Natsu chuckled, the sound reverberating deep in his chest. "Calm down baby," he whispered. "I just wanted to remind you that I love you."

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