What Had Happened

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Grays POV

I was used for at least three hours before they decided to move onto something else. I was so sore I couldn't move, and I felt so dirty. Maybe this was all I was good for. Just some whore people could stick it in whenever they wanted to. Maybe it wasn't even so bad. 

A painful kick to the stomach shook me from my thoughts. 

"Don't look so down," Zancrow laughed, "you loved it." 

I tried to make eye contact, but my head just fell back to the cold floor. I rolled over onto my side and hid my face in my arm. I felt tears fall, but I couldn't show it. 

"Yo Hades, what next?" Azuma asked, rubbing his hand up the lank of my arm. 

I heard someone walking towards me. "Just look at the poor thing," Hades whispered, "He looks so abused. How about we put him out of his misery?" 

My heart pounded in my chest, "no,"

Someone laughed. "How about this. We give you a choice. We could hang you somewhere public, kill you here with this nice crowbar, oooor we can leave some razor blades and you can end it yourself." 

My head shot up, "Why don't you just let me go! What does killing me do for you! You already-already-" I couldn't finish that sentence. 

Just than I heard a loud bang followed by footsteps. I was pulled into Zancrows arms and dragged towards one of the back tables. He grabbed a knife from its surface and held it up to my neck. "You move and I slit your throat," he whispered. 

At least five cops came sprinting around the bend. "Drop the boy," 

Hades had a smug smile on his face. "You take another step closer and my body cuts him up real good." 

The cops hesitated, but kept their weapons drawn. I felt the blade of the knife press deeper into my throat, and I held my breath. 

"Come on guys. Just turn around and nobody gets hurt," Hades said, walking towards the frozen cops. "We didn't kill the kid or nothin'" 

"WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE!" Juvia yelled, running up the hall. My head snapped upward at her voice. 

"Well if it isn't the doll from before," Zancrow whispered in my ear. "She came to save you, but she might be the one that kills you." 

"Juvia, stay there," I chocked out, "I'm fine. I promise" As if to prove that I was lying my knees buckled underneath me, and all my weight crashed into Zanrow's hold. I was even more defensless than before. 

"No you aren't" she said, and ignoring my orders she ripped one of the guns from the cops hands and shot Zancrow in the shoulder. He let go with a scream, and the two of us fell to the ground. Juvia ran over to me as the cops opened fire at the other two of my captures. 

"thank you," I mumbled, as Juvia picked me up and led me to the abulance outside. 

She smiled, "Don't mention it." 

Natsu's POV

Gray didn't come to school for a week. He rarely answered my texts, but when he did his responses seldom contained more than a few blunt words. To say I was worried was an understatement. I was so mad and confused that I even considered asking Laxus what had happened. 

"I know he's apart of this!" I shouted to Lucy as a plopped down on her bed. "Gray wouldn't just abandon me like this!"

She nodded, "Something is definitely up." 

"I'm going to Gray's house and finding out," I said, standing up and walking to the door. I notice Lucy running to follow me, grabbing her coat and shoes from the closet. 

"I'm coming too," she announced, following me out the door. 

Together we walked down the street in silence, both of us too scared to say anything. Finally we found ourselves at Laxus's front steps. I was about to knock when Lucy stopped me. 

"I'll do it. He doesn't have that big of a problem with me. I want this to go as smooth as possible." 

I nodded and ran to hide behind a tree. She was right, as always. 

I heard a knock and watched as the door swung open, revealing a somewhat distressed looking Laxus. 

"Um.. hi Laxus," Lucy mumbled, shuffling her feet. "Is Gray home?"

The boy ran his hands through his blonde hair. "He's been at Juvia's place the past week. She's probably straightening him out or something," He made a provocative motion, "if you know what I mean."

Lucy's smile strained, "well thanks-"

Before she could finish her sentence the door was slammed in her face. I bolted out from my hiding spot and ran towards Juvia's apartment complex. Gray wouldn't cheat on me... right? He wouldn't. He couldn't. 

I stopped when I saw Juvia sitting on a bench. On her lap was a crumpled mass with a familiar head of Raven hair. Anger flooded my senses as I stomped over to the two of them. I balled my fists and tried to contain my emotions, but it was no use. 

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I screamed, pointing an accusing finger. "ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!" 

Gray raised his head and I noticed tears in his eyes. Juvia looked pissed, and I took a step back. "G-Gray?" 

Juvia spoke, "Hi Natsu. Do you need something?"

"I need to talk to Gray." Gray put his head back in Juvia's lap and his body shook even harder. 

"Natsu nows not a goo-"she began, but I cut her off.

"He is my boyfriend and I need to speak with him." 

She moved Gray gently off her lap after whispering something in his ear. She walked up to me, "You hurt him and I swear." 

I watched her walk away before sitting next to Gray who shuffled away from me a bit. 

"Why haven't you been answering me? I was worried sick?" I began, studying him carefully. 

He didn't answer. 

"Gray-" I put my hand on his shoulder and jumped a bit when he flinched away. 

"What happened. Please tell me." 

Still, he didn't answer. 

Before I could do something I regretted I jumped up from the bench and stomped over to an awaiting Juvia. "What happened to him!?" 

She sighed. "Where were you last Friday?" 

I shrugged my shoulders, "Why does that matter." 

"What was the last thing you said to Gray?" She asked, ignoring my question. 

I thought back. "I think it was goodbye," 

She shook her head, "Well your lucky because that goodbye could have been forever." And than she told me what had happened. 

(A/N: Geez I suck. I'm so sorry for the cliff hanger guys! MY BAD MY BAD! I know some of you wanted to kill me but please don't lol. Comment please so I know how to continue! I love you all!)

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