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Gray's POV

     Laxus told me to meet him out front after school so we could walk home together. Well... here I am, so where the fuck is he! 

     Ugh spending a whole year with him is going to be pure hell. Why did my mom have to leave for that stupid mission anyway. Why did she ever join the FBI!!! It's dangerous and on top of that I never get to see her anymore. She's always away... 

     "Gray?" Someone asked, walking towards me. 

     I expected it to be Bixlow or someone, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was Freed. 

     "Oh, Hey Freed," I replied, offering him a brief smile. 

       He returned the smile, "Are you waiting for Laxus?" 

      I nodded. Thinking again how unpredictabley predictable my cousin can be. 

      "Last I saw him he was already on his way home," I interrupted him with a groan, "How about I walk you? I'm going there anyway." 

       I thought for a moment. If it was any other of Laxus's friends I would have said no in a heart beat, but Freed was different, so I agreed. The walk began and the two of us remained in awkward silence for a little bit.

    "So," Freed asked after a considerable amount of time had passed, "Why did you move in with Laxus all the sudden?" 

   I tried to think of a good answer. My mom is in Canada tracking down a group of serial killers so she left me here to fend for myself while under the care of my abusive, homophobic, god-awful cousin just didn't seem like the right thing to say right now. Wouldn't want to ruin the moment... 

    "My mom had to go away for work, so she left me with Laxus's family," I responded. Short and sweet and not a lie... just a white washed truth. I left out the unnecessary details. 

     "That must be hard for you," Freed stated, genuine concern filling his  voice. He opened his mouth as if he had more to say, but quickly closed it. I'm not the nosy type so I let it slide. 

      "I manage," I shrugged, readjusting my backpack. We were about to enter another period of silence, so I took the opportunity to ask a question that had been eating at me since this morning. "Why are you and Laxus friends?" 

     Freed look genuinely shocked at this question. Almost as if no one had ever asked it before. I saw him look down for a minuet, and he paused, contemplating what to say. 

    "Well... I guess its for the same reason you keep trying to talk to Natsu," he whispered. I didn't say anything, but I saw his cheeks flush and turn to a light pink. 

     I nodded. I understood. 

     All too soon, we arrived at my temporary "home". 

     As soon as I opened the door, the smell of teenage boy and beer flooded my head, making my eyes water. 

    "Where the fuck have YOU been little man!?" Laxus yelled, while ruffling my hair in a painful way. 

     "Hm... I don't know, maybe some JACKASS told me to meet him outside and never showed!" I responded sarcastically, earning myself a smack across the head. 

     "Don't be smart with me Fullbuster," He whispered threateningly. Than, just as soon as it came, evil Laxus was replaced by the ever so likable "party guy persona" he puts on when friends are around. "Chill," he sighed, "Have a beer." 

     I politely declined before making my way to my makeshift room. It was originally an office, but now there is a cot on the middle of the floor so obviously its a bedroom! I dropped my book bag on the desk and plopped myself down on the bed. I had had a long day and all I wanted to do was take a nap. As always though, Laxus and his posie weren't about to let that happen. 

    "Hey Gray come here!" My cousin shouted, throwing my door open. 

     I groaned, but complied, making my way to the living room. Bixlow was sitting on the couch with Freed on the arm next to him, Evergreen was spread out on the floor in a semi-sexual pose, and some girl I vaguely remember was leaning against the wall. Laxus took a seat in the lounge chair and motioned for an all too ready Evergreen to get on his lap. 

     "Gray that's Juvia from gym class. You remember her right?" Bixlow said, smiling misheviously. 

      "Uh yeah, hi," I lied, offering a small smile to make up for it. 

      She returned the gesture, but said nothing. 

     "What did you need me for?" I asked Laxus, getting slightly annoyed that he bothered me once again.  

     "We got a funny story to tell you," He smirked, leaning back further into the chair. "Ya know how we told you not to talk to that faggot Dragneel?" 

   My heart stopped. What did they do to Natsu....

   "Yeah?" I questioned, silently praying nothing bad happened to him. 

     "Well he was being a dick to Evergreen so she came back and told me about it. Naturally something had to be done, I mean, he was all over you during gym so I was planning on beating the crap out of him anyway. This incident just gave me further incentive," he paused to laugh so Bixlow took over. 

     "Wanna see the video?" 

     I took a deep breath and restrained myself from lashing out at the fucking evil ass fucking dickweeds in front of me. Did I wanna see the video? I mean, half of me wants to know what happened but the rational side of me knows I shouldn't because I'll do something I'll regret. 

     Unfortunately, the stupid side of me won this battle. "Show me" 

Authors note:  Comment any suggestions or feedback! I love hearing back from you guys! All suggestions will be taken into consideration and added into the story if possible. Thank you guys for all your support. It means more than you could ever know!

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