Half Mashed Potato?

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     The bus smelled just as it did last year. Like sweat, Cheetos, and sadness. I tried not to breath too deeply as Gajeel and I boarded the already crowded bus. Keeping my head down, I shuffled towards the very back, before sliding into a seat for two. Gajeel had left me somewhere during the journey, no doubt to sit next to his petite girlfriend Levy. I'm pretty sure she is the only person in the whole entire world that could make my brother smile. I wish I could find someone like that. Someone who makes me so happy that they break down all the walls I built to keep my emotions in and when I'm around them it feels like I'm invincible. It sucks that the only other gay guys I know of are taken or not my type. Not to mention that no one would ever want to date me. I look like a half mashed potato. 

     "Half mashed potato? That's a new one," A mysterious voice said from above me. 

     I slowly looked up, scared I would come face to face with one of FairyTail's bullies, but no. What I saw when I looked up was an angel. I mean, wow. Before me was the most aesthetically pleasing man I had ever seen. He had messy blueish black hair, a well structured face, a god-like body, and not to mention the most enchanting dark blue eyes. And oh god his smile... 

     "Um... Hello?" He whispered, waving his hand in front of my face, "are you okay?"

     I snapped out of my daze and managed to nod my head. I was too flustered to speak. 

     He chuckled, "Good, you had me worried there for a second," he paused, "Is this seat taken?" 

     My jaw visibly dropped and once again I only nodded my head. Slowly he slid into the seat, eyeing me oddly. 

     "Do you always say your thoughts out loud?" he asked, attempting to start conversation. 

     I blushed, "Not usually. You just caught me at a bad time." 

     He smiled once again, "Well that's good um... whats your name?"

     "Natsu Dragneel," I responded, lifting up my hand which he shook, "nice to meet you." 

     "The pleasures all mine. I'm Gray. Gray Fullbuster. I'm new." 

     The way he stumbled over his words made me laugh. He looked a little nervous. Not to mention he was new, which means he doesn't know I am gay, which means he won't bully me! And maybe... just maybe there is a chance he too could be gay! 

     Before I could respond, someone snaked there arm around Grays throat and proceeded to choke him. I panicked a little when I looked back and saw none other than FairyTail's most notorious bully, Laxus Drayer. ITS NOT EVEN GRAYS FIRST DAY AND HE'S ALREADY GETTING BULLIED! I was about to say something when I noticed that Gray was smiling. 

     "Hey Little cousin," Laxus yelled, ruffling Gray's already tousled hair. 

     If my mouth wasn't wide open before it sure as Hell was now.... Gray and Laxus were cousins!      

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