Melted heart

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Natsu's POV

      After gym I left the locker room, the faint dusting of a blush still on my cheeks. Gray's voice ran through my head like a broken record and I didn't even try to ignore it at this point. He was hot, and I was gay, and I have a soft spot for cute men. Plus Oh My God the way he stopped that ball from hitting me just made my heart melt.
     I felt someone walk up beside me. "You're looking awfully happy," Lucy said, tapping me on the shoulder.
     I just shrugged, trying to play it off, but of course she is my best friend so she sensed my lies.
     "Gray was in your class wasn't he?" She inquired knowingly.
     I signed and nodded. "He's an idiot."
    "Like a stupid idiot," she asked before raising her pointer finger, "or a CUTE idiot."
     I laughed. "The second one."
     She began jumping up and down while chanting about how we were gonna make the cutest couple. I almost got into her little fantasy world before I remembered one key factor.
     "I can't! Remember Lu. Laxus!!"
    "Too freaking bad," she scoffed. "He ain't got nothing on you!"
     I tried to believe in her optimism, but I've always been more of a pessimist myself. Not to mention I've been beaten up by Laxus enough times to know that he has got something on me... Size.
     I waved my friend goodbye before walking into my last class before lunch.
     I looked around, kinda hopping Gray would already be there, but no such luck. In my class I did however have Bixlow. *sigh*
     "Hey little Gaybie," he chuckled. "Couldn't get enough of me in gym."
     I tried to ignore him and proceeded to picking a seat in the front, far away from him.
     "Hey guys!" Bixlow shouted, "Natsu has a little gay crush on me!"
    The entirety of the class broke out into laughter.
    "SHUT UP!" A harsh voice said as an unknown figure entered the classroom.
    "I have no fucking clue why you're laughing, but stop."
      Everyone got silent and looked towards the blue haired man.
       "I'm your new teacher Jellal."
      I heard all the girls in the class choke on their breath. He was HOT. Really hot. Not my type though.
     I zoned out until the lunch bell pulled me from my trance. I followed the rest of the class out of the room and made my way carefully towards my locker. I tried not to draw too much attention to myself.
    As you probably can gather by now though... That never works.

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