Dodge Ball Part 2

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Gray's POV

    He doesn't wanna be friends. I knew that would happen. Thanks Laxus, you're the best cousin in the whole entire world! (Sarcasm).
   Feeling slightly depressed, I took my time exiting the classroom. Natsu left the second after the bell rang. Poor guy just can't stand the sight of me.
   I sulked into the gym and breathed in the scent of pubescent sweat and sex hungry boys. It kind of reminded me of Laxus's house. I shivered at the thought. The smell was the best thing about his house. There were worse things... Much worse things.
  Walking into the boys locker room I bumped into the devil himself. After I got over the initial shock of the hit, he pulled me close to him by the collar of my shirt. I heard the fabric stretch out and the elastic band inside snap ever so slightly.
   "Make sure you change in the stall," he screamed, obviously wanting whoever was inside to hear his statement. I felt my heart speed up ever so slightly. Natsu was in there.
    I walked further inside and sighed when my thoughts were confirmed. We made eye contact for a brief second before I turned away. I felt bad. It's not his fault my cousin is a crazy ass homophobic bully. The more I think about it the more I realize that if I were in his shoes I wouldn't talk to me either. I don't wanna die.       Feeling just a tad bit more guilty I proceeded to taking my shirt off and replacing it with my eagles shirt reserved strictly for gym. I felt eyes on my abs the whole time and I smirked to myself. He may not wanna be friends, but he sure as hell wouldn't mind being more than that. I stifled a chuckle before reaching into the belt loop of my pants. Before I could do more, I heard the spastic shuffling of  feet and the slamming of the heavy locker room door. 
   I allowed a laugh to leave my lips as I finished changing.
   "What's so funny Fullbuster?" A voice said behind me.
   I jumped, turning around. "Oh, h-hi Bixlow."
   "Sorry little man didn't mean to scare you," he chuckled, taking off his shirt and placing it in the locker next to me.
    "You didn't scare me just... Surprised me," I responded, trying to keep my cool.
    Bixlow wasn't buying it. "Okay...sure," he paused. "Hey, my girl is in this class ya know. I think you'll like her one friend. She's a catch."
    I laughed, this time not trying to hold it in. "I'm good."
    "Why? Does mini Lax have his eye set on someone else?"
    I frowned, Natsu's face coming to mind immediately. I'm a bad lier... A very bad lier. "Yeah I guess you could say that."
     Before he could ask who it was I shut my locker and exited the gym. I looked around the now crowded gym and almost shit my pants. Dodge ball. Fuck my life.

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