No Matter What

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Gray's POV

"Juvia?" I responded after making sure Natsu was safely out of sight. 

"Are you okay?" she asked, pushing her blue hair behind her ear. 

"I'm fine," I answered, lieing for the millionth time today. 

She nodded, "Well I just followed you to check on you. Laxus can be mean sometimes..." 

I didn't answer so we just stood there in silence. The wind bit at my exposed skin harshly, causing me to shiver involenterally. 

"OH MY GOODNESS," She suddenly screamed, "You're hurt and cold where are my manners I should have invited you inside my house is right around the corner come on!" 

I tried to calm her down and, once again, tell her I was fine, but before I could speak she grabbed my hand and drug me towards her house. It was a small apartment building on the nice side of town. Her room was on the second floor. We entered through the blue door and she brought me to her room. 

"My parents are at work so they wont be home. Relax," She said, assuming that was the cause of my discomfort. 

I just nodded, not really wanting to tell her I didn't like her all that much. Sure she was sweet, but she was annoying as fuck!

"So... why ARE you still talking to Natsu?" She suddenly asked. "Do you like him or something?" 

I blushed but luckily my hood covered that. "No," I responded bluntly. I didn't even elaborate further. 

"Good," she mumbled. "I'll be back, just let me get you an ice pack and a blanket."

I thought to myself about how odd of a combination that was while I looked around her room. The walls were a light purple and her queen sized bed was covered in mismatched pillows and light blue bed sheets. The door of her closet was covered in pictures of friends and what I guessed was family. It seemed to fit the stereotypical room of most teenage girls. 

Juvia came back into the room holding the iteams she had gone to fetch. She pushed my shoulder down so I was leaning against the backboard of her bed and pulled of my hood. She gently placed the ice pack on my swollen eye, tisking as she did so. 

"Talking to Natsu was certainly not worth destroying your beautiful face, " She scolded before wrapping me in her blanket. "Not one bit." 

I didn't feel like getting in a fight with her, so I let the comment slide. I relaxed my shoulders and allowed myself to calm down. I might as well enjoy the time I have before I'm forced to go back to Laxus. 

Natsu's POV 

"LUCY!" I screamed, running into her unlocked house.. 

"Hi Natsu," Mr Heartfelia smiled, waving to me. 

I returned the action and than sprinted up the stairs to Lucy's room. 

"LUCY!" I shrieked again, barging through her door. 

She slammed her book shut and looked at me. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!"

I took a deep breathe before beginning my story. "WELL, I was out for a walk and I bumped into some shady guy in a hood but it turned out to be Gray and than he told me he was sorry for what Laxus did! Turns out he stood up for me and ended up getting the crap beat out of him and if that isn't the CUTEST THING EVER I don't know what is... but anyway! Than we hugged and he was crying and stuff and than he called me cute and than-"

"AND THAN YOU GUYS KISSED?" Lucy yelled, an ecstatic look on her face. 

"-and than Juvia walked over," I pouted, sitting down next to her. 

She groaned and put down the book "So close," she whispered. 

I nodded and layed down. "I really like him." 

She chuckled, "You guys just met." 

"TOO FREAKING BAD! HE'S THAT CUTE!" I proclaimed, throwing my arms around in the air for emphasis. 

Lucy laughed again and hit me playfully on the shoulder. "Go get 'em tiger." 

My mind flashed to an image of me and Gray on a beach with Lucy by my side. That cheesy wedding song played in the background while a small girl that looked strikingly familiar skipped down the isle throwing flower petals. People were crying and even my dad was there, looking super proud and shit. It was nice. 

"I will," I decided, gripping onto Lucy's bed sheets. "No matter what." 

(A/N: I know this is a short chapter, and I apologize for that, but I've been updating so frequently that I need to slow it down or else I'll have no content and no one wants that XD. As always, please vote and comment! Your love and support means everything. 

I want you guys to comment what you think is gonna happen next! The more comments, the quicker I'll update!!)

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