A Great Start

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Natsu's POV

     "Hey! Long time no see!" Gray responded, fist bumping Laxus. 

     I just sat still with my head down, hoping he didn't realize I was there. I knew it wouldn't work,  but a guy can dream right? 

     "I know your new here and all Ice Cube, but can't you spot a fag when you see one?" Laxus's aggressive voice spoke. 

     His words were clearly aimed at me, so I shied away from his gaze. I felt my heart beat as I eagerly awaited Gray's response. He was probably going to leave me. I mean, who wouldn't. Not to mention he's probably a homophobic asshole like his cousin. But he just seemed so sweet... so different. 

     "Yeah, I have a pretty good Gaydar if I do say so myself," Gray said, pulling away from Laxus with a smirk on his face. 

     "Obviously not," Laxus shot back, "if you did you would be able to tell that the guy your sitting next to is the gayest of all the gays!" 

     I wasn't sure if I should take that as a compliment... I mean, I'm glad that I'm like the king gay, but in this situation I don't think that was a good thing. 

     "I don't see the problem with being gay," Gray whispered, his voice barely audible even to me. Laxus heard him though. 

     "You don't see the problem! Oh little cousin I thought Aunt Ur would have raised you better than this. Gay's are disgusting. They like to kiss other guys! Like... ew!" 

     Gray clenched his fist and lowered his head. "Don't talk about my mom." 

     "Oh damn your still salty over that! Snap out of it that happened five years ago! Come on lets get away from the fag," Laxus said, pulling Gray out of the seat and to the one behind me which he occupied. 

     I could here the two of them talking in hushed whispers, most likely about me. Oh well, I guess that's just another bully to add to my list. I can't believe this. Gray Fullbuster, the new kid that I have fallen head over heels for, is Laxus's little cousin. Fuck my non existent luck. I bet that today after school or at lunch Laxus is gonna come for me with his pack of mindless, barbarian like followers, and with them is gonna be Gray, joining in on beating me up like its some kind of sport. He did say that he didn't see what was wrong with being gay, but when his reputation is at stake I'm sure he will straighten out. I've had a lot of friends that have done that. Fine with gay rights one day and than POOF! all of the sudden there all about Jesus and what the bible says. Its fucking disgusting. 

     Just as I got done ranting about my pathetic life, I looked out the window and saw the bus pulling up to school. I sighed before picking up my bag and making my way through the crowd of people trying to shuffle into the large school building. 

     "NATSU! NATSU WAIT UP!," I heard a familiar voice calling. 

     I turned around to see my best friend Lucy. She is one of the only people who I know wont leave me or make fun of me behind my back. We became friends about six years ago and our relationship is still as strong as ever. She claims to have known I was gay before I knew it myself. 

     "Hey Lucy! Long time no see," I chuckled sarcastically considering we had seen each other the day before. 

     "I know. You don't know how much I missed you!" She responded, playing into my little joke. "So, anything happen since you last saw my beautiful face?" 

     I debated telling her about what happened on the bus. Eventually though I decided that I needed too. I always tell her my problems and maybe she could prove to be helpful. "Well on the bus today the most beautiful guy sat next to me. And I'm not talking just "okay beautiful," I'm talking about full on Jensen Ackles beautiful dammit! But anyway, we started talking and he was so nice." 

     "So so far all I'm getting is that my little Natsu is getting laid soon..." Lucy implied hopefully, causing me to laugh. 

     "He's Laxus Dreyar's cousin," I mumbled, throwing my hands in the air dramatically. 

     Lucy's smile turned into a frown, "Oh no. You mean like..." she stopped. "Natsu loo-"

     Suddenly, I found myself face first lying down on the ground. I heard chuckling above me and the sound of triumphant high fives. 

     "That was just a warm up Dragneel," Laxus said, pulling my head up off the ground by my long hair, causing me to whimper in pain. "Don't talk to my cousin." 

     I pushed myself off the ground and dusted off my clothing. Slowly I turned around and continued making my way towards the school building as if nothing had happened, ignoring Lucy's shouts. I think that was a great start to my Sophomore year... a great start indeed. 


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