Will You Marry Me?

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Gray's POV
It had been three days since I had moved into Natsu's house, five days since we had had our bonding moment. Everything was... good. Everything felt fine physically. I would always have scars, but the cuts healed. Mentally... I wasn't all there, but Natsu made it better.
"You look like... a dad that drives a blue Prius..." I laughed, looking over Natsu's outfit of choice for or date night. He was wearing a tan shirt and kaki's, pared with a blue infinity scarf and a fedora. "We're going to the park, not some fancy thing, it doesn't matter what you wear!"
He looked over my outfit and raised an eyebrow. "I see that you feel that way," he mumbled in reference to my plaid pajama bottoms and gray short sleeved shirt.
I laughed and stood up, walking over to Natsu and wrapping my arms around him from behind. "Baby?" I whispered, kissing just behind his ear. "I'm hungry. I want to eat..."
He rubbed his stomach and nodded in agreement. "I want to eat too. I always want to eat," he paused and struck a pose, "but I want to look hot as hell while I do it."
I groaned and flicked him upside the head. "You always look hot as hell. What you're wearing looks fine!" I closed his closet and grabbed his hand, pulling him out the door and downstairs, "let's go."
"Fine! Fine!" Natsu willingly followed, grabbing the picnic basket off the table before we walked out the door, calling goodbyes to Gajeel and Wendy. We walked, not and in hand, but close together. I was too shaken for PDA still. You never know who might be watching.

"You're looking better," Natsu commented after a minute, giving me a once over and gently brushing his hand against mine. "I mean, you always look good, but now you just..." he trailed off and paused for a moment. "It just sucked seeing you so upset. But now you're smiling and you're you and that makes me really happy." 

I felt my cheeks heat up and I stopped walking for a moment, just looking down at Natsu with adoration and indescribable love. I loved this man... "I am so glad you're happy," I spoke after a moment, my voice calm and smooth. 

Natsu smiled back at my before shaking his head and picking up the pace again, stopping once we reached the park. Natsu started rambling about 'the perfect picnic spot' and how if the grass wasn't thick enough we would have to go home and think of something else to do. I stayed quiet, just watching him with a small, unshakeable smile. He was mine. He was my perfect boyfriend and no one could take him away. Not Gajeel, not Laxus, not even Grimore Heart. He was my everything and I would be damned if I lost him, even if only for a second. 

"Hey Gray?" He waved a hand in front of my face, pulling me back to reality. "Are you okay?" his voice was laced with concern. I nodded quickly, reaching a hand out to breifly touch his shoulder before I pulled it back. He smiled sadly in understanding and quickly led me to the picnic blanket. I laid back and looked up at the sky as he immedietly started to dig through the basket in search of the food we had packed. "Do you want something yet?" he asked, his mouth already stuffed with a peanut butter and jelly. 

I looked over at him and laughed quietly, shaking my head. "No, baby. I'm good for now. You're cute though." 

He blushed scarlet and shoved another bite of sandwich in his mouth, swallowing audibly. "Ya know," he started, readjusting himself so he was sitting criss-cross applesauce, "I like it hear. outside I mean. I think we should spend more time outside." He paused to motion vaguely in my direction, mumbling something along the lines of, "you need a tan."

I rolled my eyes and pushed a hand through my dark, raven hair. "Outside is beautiful," I responded with a short nod before my head shot in Natsu's direction and I winked cheekily. "But you are an even better sight." 

He groaned at my cheesiness, although he smiled widely. Natsu reached over and hit my arm, moving over so he could lay down beside me. "Sometimes I wonder why I love you. Than I remember-"

I cut him off, "-that I'm every gay boys wet dream?" 

He paused for a moment, his mouth still open. "Well... yes. But I was going to say that I remember how perfect and amazing you are and how unbelievably happy you can make me..." 

My smirk softened into a smile and I turned over to face him, draping a hesitant arm around his middle. "Hey Natsu?"

He looked at me with a puzzled expression, biting his lip softly. "Um... yeah?" He searched my face to see if anything was wrong. 

I looked back at Natsu, my eyes and mind clouded with an overwhelming amount of emotion. I wanted him. I wanted him to be mine and mine alone. I didn't want anyone else to touch him. To think about him. I didn't want him to leave me... "Will you marry me?"

He looked at me blankly for a moment before breaking out into laughter. 

I felt my heart break. 

"God, I thought you were going to break up with me!" Natsu chuckled, kissing my cheek. "You're so silly. Just eat your sandwich and shut up you goofball." He sat up and continued to eat happily, unaware of how broken he had just left me. 

I looked up at the sky, my expression unreadable. No one else could have him. No one else could touch him. No one  could hurt him like I had been hurt. I didn't want him to leave me... why didn't he want me? Was there someone else? What was happening? I forced my thoughts to quiet down as I set my jaw and sat up, forcing a believable smile and taking a bite of my food. 

AN: I'm back bitchessssss! Thanks to popular demand, this story is back on the market! As always, leave feedback below! Tell me what you think is going to happen! I love you all and thank you so much for still reading after my break. You guys make me so happy XD. Much love. <3

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