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Ugh the bell that means we have math, Not my favourite subject. Not my favourite subject at all.

Everything that I learn at Math disappears the next day.

My brain hates me. Not only with math, everytime I try to speak to the hottest guy from school Jake I say words like "do you want a patato" or "hoolloo"

His face is just so perfect that you just want to squeeze it.

That sounds weird..
But its true.

I walked in to the classroom, I saw my best friend and was going to sit next to her but her arrogant ass boyfriend pushed me away "next time better hanugly"

See my name is Hanna but Rick- the arrogant ass boyfriend- calls me hanugly because he thinks he is hilarious.

There was only one table empty  great.
Next to Britney, Jake's girlfriend.

"Oh hey loser" she said
My ass was saying don't sit just run away
But my brain-who hates me- said No go sit there bitch.

"Are you going to sit there or not miss Edwards" Oh that was my bitch ass math teacher.

yeah she really likes me *note the sarcasm *

I sat next to Britney without moving or making a sound. I was even to scared to blink.

"Omg" Britney's best friend turned around so she was now staring at Britney "shawn mendes is giving a concert here in our town!!"  Britney almost cried "ommgg my baby son"

"Since when do you have a son?" I asked... No my brain asked.

They both turned to me and stared at me like they where dogs and i had the ball "excuse me can you shut up" Britney said "Is Miss Edwards talking again?" The teacher said, "if i hear you talking again you can have a nice talk with the principal"

Pff the principal is the nicest man I ever met.

I like him but 70% of that liking is because he hates Britney.

Yeay we really got a bond because everytime I get kicked out of this class the principal and me go talk shit about Britney.


"Your coming to that party tonight?" Leila asked -my best friend- "nah I'm to lazy to be humiliated to night" i said, she lauged and gave me a hug "bye babe" "byee"

I walked to my house what 10 minutes was and opened the door to be greeted by my dog Boogie. Its a husky and i love him more then my little brother.

"hannaaaaaa" that is my little brother "hai big dude" i give him a kiss on his little cheeks "hai mom" i walked in the kitchen "hey sweetheart how was school"

I hated this question, everyday the same question and everyday the same answer "ugh boring, why cant i be home schooled?"
And everytime i say that she says "no sweetheart you can make friends in school"

Yeah 'friends' if thats how you like to call them...

I called Boogie and put his lease on.
I always went walking to the park, that was my favourite thing to do.

Once i was in the park i unleashed Boogie so he could run around. There was a guy playing the guitar when I remembered how much Boogie hates guitars. "Oh gosh" i said to my self when i saw boogie running to the guy, i tried to run as fast as i could.

That means as fast as a old man.

But i was to late Boogie started barking at the guitar and the boy stopped but Boogie didnt give a fuck "im so sorry" i said when i was finally there out of breath and all sweaty.

Boogie showed her teeth to the guitar and i was going to say something about it but dammm the guy is hot.
Oh great from all the running i smell like a freaking monkey.

"It's oke" he said, we just stared at each other, Boogie stopped barking and just sat there looking at us.

He is probably dog laughing because I'm so awkward.

"Soooo, whats your name?" The guy asked "Hanna and this is Boogie and he has a weird thing against guitars I dont now why, probably because I once had guitar lessons and i practice at home but i was really bad like really really

Brain why do you tell this guy your dogs fucking life story. Goddammit.

The guy laughed "you cant be that bad" "ask that my dog"

He laughed again.

or was there something wrong with my face....

"You come here often?"  I signed "everyday" Boogie started walking away

I finally have a guy where i dont say things that have something do with patatos and this stupid dog walks away.

Im not going to trow a ball for you bitch.

"I have to go nice to meet you" i said "you to" he said.

I walked away.
Hoping that the guy would run after me like movies and says "you wanna go on a date?" And then we marry.

But nothing happend god dammit.


I got home and walked straight to my room with 10 bags of chips.

I skyped Leila hoping she already left the party because I was bored.
"Hey chickie" her hair was all messed up and I knew what had happend.

"Ugh why your skyping hanugly?"

Jep they 'made love'
Or in there case 'made porno'

"rick don't be so bitchie you now she is my best friend" she said while smiling to him "yeah i still don't get that"

"So you wanna go to that Shawn mendes concert?" "Who the fuck is that Shawn mendes guy?"

"He is hot cute and sweet he is from that song stitches"

I knew that song, and i hated that song.
I just don't like the lyrics its to boring for me...

"Your going with me if you want it or not" she said "when?" I asked

"One week from now"

Ok now I know that over one week from now i'm sick.

I have to learn how to fake vomit... Who am I kidding I do it all the time because of Britney so if i just think about that faking is going to be easy.

"Is he going to?" I pointed at the her 'boyfriend' in the back who was looking at picuters of half naked girls.

Yeah relationship goals

"Hamugly you know i'm to hot to go to a concert all the girls will try to kiss me I cant do that to my lady" Rick the dick said "aaww babe your so sweet" Leila said

The begin to make out and I couldn't click any faster on the red button

Helllo :)
So first chapter
Sorry of its bad or the english isnt right tips are welcome
Bye :)

his name is peter raul - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now