15 - friends - 15

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We were back on school, ugh save


It was just like before only now I was hiding like Leila in the toilet for Rick and Jake.

But leila was sick, she was a lot lately.

"What are you doing here?" Britney half crying asked... Nicely? "Hiding" "for jake?"

I nod.
I don't want to talk her SOS
But She looks ugly crying and thats fun so i'm enjoying this

"I heard what happened, good job girl"

I raised my eyebrows "was that a compliment?" "I can be nice"


"Why are you crying?" I asked not giving a shit but trying to be 'nice' to.

"My mother kicked me and my brother out of the house and she just texted me that she never wants to see me again"

Now I know where she got the mean bitch from


"My brother came out to her and I stood up for him but she hates gay people because our dad left for a other man"

Dammm... Thats some shit.

"I'm sorry Britney can I do something for you?"

Brain why.
Brain: because your a nice person
Thats true imm perfect.

"you have a car right?"

I nod

"Can you bring and me and my brother to my grandmother it's a far walk and I don't have a car anymore"

Ugh why am I doing this

"Okay I will"

So after school her and her brother Sam got in.

"Thank u so much" he said "no problem" I rode them to the grand mother "do you want something to drink?" Sam said "no I really should go"

Not in her terrarium is that how you call it?

"Oh come on Hanna" so i stepped out of Carlos and went inside.

How is it possible that her grandma and brother both are so sweet
I showed Britney a picture of Jake with a three double under chin. We made fun of him and I enjoyed it.

A text of shawn popped up
"Ooohhh Is it Shawn?" She winked "how you know?"
"Jake told me, don't worry i'm also done with him" I smiled
"Tell me all the details about your cutey"

I laughed

I told her everything from how we met and the peter raul to the Christmas together

Probably not a good idea to trust her but I didn't care for some reason I loved
Talking to her.


I looked at his text
"How are u??????"

He is clearly bored but I loved it

Me: I'm fine how is it going on tour?
Peter raul: boring miss u :( what u doin?
Me: i'm at a friends house
Peter raul: leila's i miss her to how is she?
Me: no Britneys leila is sick

I laughed
Me: it's fine she is acutely nice  talk to you later :)

I stayed at Britneys for a little while.

I went home, eat dinner with my family and was about to facetime Leila when My father knocked on my door "Jake is here for you" "then tell him I moved to Norway or something" I said not thinking my own dad would let a boy in my room "Norway he?" Jake said coming in, oh yeah come in don't worry you don't have to ask.


I wanted to be mean to him so bad so that I learned my self to hate him, but I'm the one who cheated so it felt so sad when I'm saying any mean words

"How was your vacation?" He asked awkwardly sitting on my bed "not trying to sound rude but why are you here?"

"I want to talk"
"I dont want to talk" I said probably sounding like a little kid.

"Please, I'm sorry for everything okay"
"Your sorry? Why? I'm the one who kissed a other guy"
"Yes, but I shouldn't just dropped you on the street like that" he said
"I mean your sweet- no you want to know why I came here?"

I nod

"I like you Hanna Edwards, I like you a lot and I don't want to lose you not because one stupid kiss. It's not like you like Shawn right?"

I didn't response just because saying yes I like him right in his face was being rude and I said to my self were not going to be rude.

"Omg you like him don't you"
I gave him a little nod
"I could have known, he is famous of course-" "wooooh let's get this straight I don't like him because he is famous, I knew him before I knew who he really was" I said
"Why do you like him?"

"He cares about me"
"I care about you too"

"I liked your for 5 years, you never even looked at me in that time, and then there was Shawn, he was the first boy who would talk to me. And after that you finally started to see me"

"I saw you for a long time..."
"Yeah but you didn't cared enough to stop your friends for calling me a ugly slut"

He looked at the ground.
This is not what i meant when I said I wanted to be nice.

"I'm sorry" he said
"Me too"

"Can we be at least friends?"
"Thats sounds like a good idea" I smiled and hugged him.

Finally everything felt right and all the drama was out of this world.
from now on no drama. Hanna needs a little break okay.


we hit 50 likes and 300 reads so a other chapter and this is also chapter 15 :)

i need a new show to watch so if you now anything please tell :)

his name is peter raul - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now