02 • Secrets Revealed

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Chapter 2 -Secrets revealed

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Chapter 2 -
Secrets revealed

Walking up toward the house, I sigh, looking down at the piece of paper in my hand. I asked Ethan for Benny's house address and Ethan, in his weird sniffing state, wrote it down immediately, bless him.

I walk to the porch, fidgeting with the paper. This isn't weird, right? Nah... I need to explain to him anyway... Ugh! This is stupid. I should be at home, it's a full moon and I need to protect myself and others, but I couldn't help but be drawn here anyway... and hey! I may be able to... I don't know, help?

As my fist is about to connect to the wood of the door, it opens revealing Sarah,

"Oh, hey Abigail! Can't talk, gotta go!" She says speeding away in a hurry.

Okay then...

My first connect with the door frame, not wanting to enter the house unannounced. There's a sound of feet padding along the hallway upstairs, then I meet Benny's eyes as he stands at the top of the staircase,

"Uh... Hello. You wanted to talk?" I ask after a beat of silence. He looks at me oddly,

"How'd you get my address?" He asks. Great, he thinks I'm crazy.

"Oh! Right. Ethan wrote it down for me." I reply quickly, my fidgeting growing in pace.

Benny nods slowly, walking down the stairs and over toward the door, now face to face with me,

"Well, with all respect, can we make this quick? Ethan needs me pronto." He says, a slight irritation to his words as if Ethan's annoyed him.

"Yes! Of course." I nod, not wanting to take up his time any longer,

"You see... I'm a werewolf." I say, my voice picking up speed as I avoid his gaze. Surprisingly, however, he snorts,

"Right... and the silky smooth skin says otherwise."

I can't help but roll my eyes, "There are different species of werewolf, Benny. Mine just so happens to be the non-fur related one..."

Benny crosses his arms, "Prove it." I roll my eyes again, cocky bastard.

I look down toward the ground, calming my breathing and once I look up I growl, teeth sharp, eyes glowing bright blue - meaning I've killed an innocent life - and claws at the ready.

Benny jumps back in surprise and I laugh, face shifting back to normal, "Sorry, Sorry."

"Okay... guess you were serious then." He mumbles walking forward a bit and me backing up in response as he closes his front door,

"I'm surprised you told me..." He says softly as he wears a shy smile,

"Well yeah... I thought I could trust you. Besides, you're obviously not new to the whole supernatural thing." I comment, using my hands to speak a little bit more than usual. I'll blame it on the nerves.

Fox and the Hound [Benny Weir] - ✔️ - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now