10 • Love Hurts

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Chapter 10 -Love Hurts

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Chapter 10 -
Love Hurts

Erica, Sarah and I walk down the hallway to our favourite two nerds hanging around their lockers, holding what seems to be a clear bottle of... cologne?

Benny looks up toward us with a mischievous smirk, obviously up to something, "Hey, ladies. What do you say?"

"Drop dead, geek?" Erica replies, not missing a beat.

"Easy, babe, easy." He says, feigning hurt as he puts his hand to his heart

"Hey, nothing personal. I just don't hang out with dorks." Erica replies, smirking over at Sarah and I as she plans to walk right past the two.

"Just wanted to see if you... Want a sample of this new Dusk perfume." Benny mutters as if what he wasn't saying wasn't going to attract Erica's attention 100%.

As if on cue, the blonde whips around to the boys, stalking up behind Benny as the brunette continues his perfect salesman pitch,

"Yeah, it's supposed to make even undead people smell like flowers and other girly stuff."

The smirk on Benny's face screams trouble...

Somethings off...

"You wanna try it?"

Erica squeals, "Yes!"

"No, thanks." Sarah cuts in, trying to pull her definitely-not-a-fangirl friend away from the two conniving boys.

"Yes! Oh please!" Erica begs us. "Just one little spritz?"

Sarah looks up to me as if asking for my opinion and I shrug, amused to watch the blonde be excited about something,

"I say go for it."

Erica takes the bottle and sprays three spritzes' onto herself, the excess clinging onto Sarah and me, wafting into our noses. The brunette nerds peer over at us with a sudden interest in their eyes and biting their lips in anticipation.

A look I once admired on Benny making my mood turn... sour...

Within a second, each girl clings to one of the boys:

Sarah on Ethan - Which I was cool with.

And Erica on Benny - A burning sensation fills my veins in pure hatred.

"Hey there, handsome," Erica says, leaning against the wall and a smirk painted across her red lips.

Benny looks down the hall, his eyes flicking across mine with a look of what seems like confusion, "Your talking to me... in school."

"There are other things I'd like to do in school," Erica states, her breath sultry as she grips Benny's collar and with a quick noise of surprise from Benny, she pushes their lips together.

Fox and the Hound [Benny Weir] - ✔️ - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now