40 • I Love You

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Chapter 40 -I Love You

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Chapter 40 -
I Love You

"Okay, you know what? Enough is enough!" Benny groans, softly pushing me off his lap and getting up from the chair. Benny looks down to his friend who is still currently curled up in the corner of the sofa,

"Dude, we have gone up against all kinds of crazy stuff before and we always win. Well... actually, most of the time we almost lose. But that's not the point!" Benny quickly corrects himself, getting back on track with his speech,

"The point is, you're the guy who pulls it together. Every time. So pull it together!"

"Benny's right, Ethan. We need you. Now, more than ever." I comment, standing from my spot in the chair and joining Benny's side.

"I just talked to Erica. She didn't sound like herself. She's leaving town with Rory, and the entire vampire council is running." Sarah spits, crossing her arms before huffing and walking to Ethan, crouching in front of him.

"Ethan," She starts, "We need your help. If we can't stop Stern, who knows what's gonna happen to us." She pleads, keeping her distance from the fragile teen.

Ethan peers over to Sarah and gasps as he meets her eyes, then he slowly looks over to Benny who in turn, also gets a horrified stare.

Ethan, trying to control his breathing, sits up slowly, "Look. I can't let anything happen to you guys."

Sarah stands from her position and walks beside me, "Your grandma said that I had to find something stronger than fear, and I think I did." Ethan finishes, holding out his hands.


I step back as Benny and Sarah take Ethan's extended hands. The three of them shudder at the contact and I can feel Benny's hand gripping mine tighter.

"Do you feel that?" Sarah asks, her voice soft and broken.

"Dude, are we having a moment?" Benny asks as Ethan's hands tighten as he calms his breathing.

Ethan drops the two's hands softly and smiles, "I'm okay." He whispers, "As long as I don't let the fear through, We can do this."

"We're on our own against Stern," I mutter, stepping back into my spot beside Benny, Sarah moving over a little.

Bless her.

"Well, I guess someone's banishment can't really be enforced." Ethan's says, taking out his phone and texting someone.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?


So I was right. This is bad.

"Guys, don't freak out. I thought it over and this is our best shot, okay?" I faintly remember Ethan saying before the one and only Jesse walks around the corner with his smug little grin.

Fox and the Hound [Benny Weir] - ✔️ - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now