39 • Déjà Vu

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Chapter 39 -Déjà Vu

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Chapter 39 -
Déjà Vu

Benny's hand grips mine, hard, as Anastasia glares us down and her eyes glow a strong amber,

"The Lucifractor was confiscated by your schoolmaster?" Her voice going from, 'I'm a sweet little girl!' To outright demonic by the end of the small, but horrifying, question.

"It's just in his office. We'll get it back, easy." Ethan says, feigning confidence with an uneasy smile.

"And technically he's our... vice-schoolmaster... so..." Benny trails off, trying to ease up the conversation, God bless him.

"Right!" I but in, "Which makes it even easier."

"The Lucifractor is the greatest threat we vampires have ever faced. You have one day to get it back, or we will raid that school." Anastasia states, her impact heavy.

"And you don't want that." She adds, sitting down in her somewhat throne.

Now, I'm sure many people would think, "Abigail. What's so bad about a tiny vampire fading your high school?" And I would politely reply, "Oh, well, random citizen. How do you like getting your throat munched on hm?"

The three of us smile politely and turn to walk from the room,

"So. That's a threat." Benny mutters, his eyes roaming the room,

"It's okay. Stern won't be any trouble." Ethan replies, his words still laced with unease.


"Oh, come on! It's gotta be in here. Have you looked under 'L' for Lucifractor?" Benny asks, turning to Ethan who is currently searching through a bin in the corner, as I study Stern's small trophy case.

"I don't see it," Ethan mumbles a lot more stern then I'm sure he meant to. Ethan walks to Stern's desk and starts to pull open his desk drawers, multiple things rolling back and forth with how harsh he was opening them,

"But, I found our Alien DNA Detector guards, and our psionic helmet... and the eye of Zartek. I never realised how much of our magic stuff Stern's takes away from us."

I study the multiple objects in Ethan's hands and I can't help but scoff.

That thieving bastard.

"Oh, guys. I found it." Benny mumbles,

"The Lucifractor?" I ask relieved, stepping over to the cabinet Benny was searching through,

"No. Better. My forever flask. Infinite root beer!" Benny smiles down at his flash and instantly undies the cap and starts to drink from it.

I sigh, "Benny, that isn't at all what we're looking for, come on." I mutter, turning back to Stern's desk as Ethan walks behind Benny and peers into the cupboard.

Fox and the Hound [Benny Weir] - ✔️ - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now