09 • Two Benny's?

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Chapter 9 -Two Benny's?

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Chapter 9 -
Two Benny's?

Sarah holds her textbook to her chest as Erica leans against her neighbouring locker, "I'm getting my hair done after school. Do you wanna come?" The blonde asks, making sure to flip her hair.


"Why are you getting a makeover for the yearbook photo? Vampires don't show up on film." Sarah states, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"I know," Erica whines, "but this would have been my first hot yearbook photo ever. The others were..." Erica trails off.

"Not... the best photo of you," I mutter, reminiscing on old photos of a younger Erica.

"I don't care if nobody else can see it. I'll know I looked good." Erica states, her confidence radiation, "What about you two? Don't you guys care?"

Sarah sighs, "I don't know... I kinda wish I could just forget this whole year."

I gasp, feigning offence, "And miss out on our reunion? How rude!"

Sarah's soft laugh is interrupted as Ethan speeds around the corner of the hallway, bewilderment seeping off of him,

"Hey, Sarah? Um... a girl just asked me if she could trust me. What does that mean-? Is it a trap?"

Now Ethan's said a lot of strange things in his little life... but that?

"What does that mean?" Sarah asks.

"What do you mean?"

Erica groans, "Sarah, you have got to stop hanging out with him! You're turning into the same person. Next thing you'll know, you'll be reading comic books and snorting when you laugh."

Ethan snorts just to spite Erica, and I can't help but giggle at the playfulness.

"Hannah Price just asked me if she could trust me... can she?"

"Can she?"

"Oh, god. Again?" I mutter as Erica groans, immediately spinning on her heels and marching down the hallway.

"If she wants to trust you with something, it probably means she likes to."

Now, that! That sparks my interest.

Call me blind, but I am 99% sure Ethan is interested in only one brunette, and it's no Hannah Price.

"Really?" Ethan's confused, "What do I do..?"

"Just see what happens! Think of it as an experiment." Sarah teases, her hand coming up to nudge Ethan's shoulder.

"Good idea. I need to collect more data!"

And with a grin and a swoosh, Ethan is off down the hallway with a newfound determination.

Sarah giggles in his absence, the soft noise cutting off abruptly into a snort, and I can't help but let out a cackle.

Fox and the Hound [Benny Weir] - ✔️ - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now