18• Oh How Peachy

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Chapter 18-
Oh How Peachy!

"Wonder if any of these smell familiar." Benny says as he begins getting jars out of his bag, Ethan sits in the chair beside Benny, and I in front of Benny.

"Here try this one." Benny says, picking one up and handing it to Ethan. I look at it with curiosity, and once Ethan opens it I gag, "What is that?" I ask coughing.

It doesn't help that I have a wolf-like nose...

"Smells like bacon and gym socks." Ethan states, putting it back on the table, Benny looks at the jar and picks it up, "Impressive.". He puts it back down and looks at the other jars.

"Um, here try this." He says picking up another with some weird yellow looking stuff in it, he hands it to Ethan who immediately opens it.

I take a smell, I'm not too far so I got a good smell of it, and I regret it. I scrunch up my face, but I take a slight smell again and realise what it is. "Ew, wow." Ethan says moving away from the jar.

Benny looks over at me and laughs at my expression, "Not so happy that you have wolf abilities now huh?" He teases, I growl, "Y'know those wolf abilities do allow me to kill." I state back. Benny's smile fades and his eyes widen, he looks back at Ethan once he says, "Wait." Which obviously caught our attention.

"It's pretty close. What is it?" Ethan asks, "Aha! Sulphur, or, to the necromancer, brimstone." Benny says, called it! "And where there's brimstone there's black magic." Benny adds, "Or rotten eggs." Benny finishes, I snort at his statement and Benny smiles over at me but his expression goes back to his serious look once he looks back at Ethan.

"There were no eggs." Ethan says a little awkwardly, "Black magic it is!" Benny says smiling, way to state the obvious... Benny starts packing up his jars, a smile still on his face.

"This mist is about to get demystified!" I state, smiling, "Can I get a high five?" Benny asks us, holding both his hands up to Ethan and I, which we both high five.

Ethan smells his hand and grunts, "Ugh, dude, did you spill some of that on your hand?" He asks, "Naw, I scratched my butt." Benny says as I smell my hand, which I Immediately move away from my face in disgust.

"Benny! That is disgusting!" I yells over to him as I get up with Ethan, grabbing my bag.


I stand with Benny outside of Ethan's house as Benny says some lie about a library and Ethan being there, when truly he was in the house- well a blanket Rory was bringing. But same toilet, different door.

Once Benny and I are sure the vampires have head off, we double back and then we head for Benny's house, putting the bike and helmet away, we then sneak in over to Ethan's, heading for the back door.

Before Benny reaches for the doorknob I quickly grab his cheeks and kiss him, I pull away awkwardly and smile, "What was that for?" He asks, "I dunno... I've been itching to do it all day so..." I trail off, he kisses me softly but only for a second, "Yeah... Me too." He says smiling. I smile back and we enter the door, heading up to Ethan's room.

We walk in to Ethan and Rory near Ethan's computer, "All clear." Benny says, shutting the door behind me.

"We doubled back and snuck in. And I marked every spell that involves evil smoke, sulphur and violence." Benny says holding up his book as we head over the the other two.

The boys start rambling on about the magic mist and how it attacks vampires, I roll my eyes at Rory's statement about no owning a camera, "Or a mist that attacks people who don't show up on camera." I say, hoping for him to understand.

Fox and the Hound [Benny Weir] - ✔️ - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now