13• One Word: Morons

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Chapter 13-
One Word: Morons

Sarah and I meet up at Ethan's and ring the doorbell, tonight's Friday what means babysitting night, which means hanging out with friends time.

Jane answers, "Hey Sarah, Abigail. Ethan! Benny! Your girlfriends are here." Sarah and I laugh, "Hey guys." I say waving as the boys walk up to us.

"Hi..." Ethan mumbles. Sarah turns around and starts talking to Mr Morgan about the senior prom, I walk over and stand beside Ethan awkwardly.

Everyone's so lucky to have their parents or relatives going...

"Check out Miami Vice! Stylish." Benny says smiling, "Freeze, turkey." Mr Morgan says, adjusting his jacket. "Ha, ha, whoa! Look out!" Benny says awkwardly with his hands up.

"Ethan's mum thought it'd be fun if we wear the same thing we wore at our senior prom." Mr Morgan explains. Makes sense. "I think its really cool you two are chaperoning the senior citizens' prom." Sarah says, complimenting the Morgan's.

"Oh! Senior prom! I just got that." Benny says realising, I roll my eyes at him and sigh. "Hey, are your parents going, Abigail?" Mr Morgan asks, my eyes dart up to him,

"Uh... No! Um, they don't really... Like this kinda stuff..." I mumble, Benny frowns over at me, and Sarah smiles sympathetically.

Mr Morgan nods slowly, the door opens, revealing Evelyn, "So, who's ready to party?" She asks, excited. She looks really nice actually.

"Grandma, you look..." Benny gets cut off by Ethan, "Hot.". I cringe slightly, "Thank you, sweetie. You look a little surprised, dear." Evelyn says over to Benny, "Can't a grandma get her groove on?" She adds.

I smile at Evelyn, she's a wonderful woman, "I have no idea how to answer that." Benny answers.

Mrs Morgan comes walking down the stairs, "OK! So what do you think? This is the exact same dress I wore for my senior prom." She says smiling, "It's a little 1981, isn't it?" Evelyn asks. I bite my lip to hold in my laugh.

"Yes, I know. That's the... Point." Mrs Morgan says awkwardly, "Mum, I bet it looked great 30 years ago." Ethan says trying to help, "Yeah, grandma could lend you something out from her closet." Benny says, also trying to help.

I sigh, one word: morons.

"OK, maybe I should change." Mrs Morgan says, heading for the stairs. Evelyn and Mr Morgan try to stop her, "Oh no! I don't want to miss the vote for prom queen. I'm the 3 to 1 favourite." Evelyn says smiling, "Let's drop it like its hot!" She adds heading for the door.

"Yes, yes. Goodnight, have fun, guys!" Mr Morgan says waving and pushing his wife out the door.

"OK, the Jacuzzi Time Machine starts in t-minus 2 minutes." Ethan says heading for the TV.

"I'll get the drinks."

"I'll get the popcorn."

"And I'll just stand here, not knowing what to do.." I say awkwardly, Benny laughs and keeps walking. Jane runs up to me, "Can I stay up late tonight?" She asks, I bend down slightly, "If you promise not to tell your parents that were letting you watch Jacuzzi time machine."
"Deal!" She says running off.

After we get everything, I sit beside Jane on the ground, getting ready to watch the movie, I've never seen it before...

"Hey! That's my spot!" Sarah yells at Benny, "What? I always sit beside Ethan on movie night." Benny explains, Sarah pulls a face and then Benny looks in between he two, "Oh! I get it. You two want to, uh, canoodle."

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